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Dementia is genetic


By Li Dali, Ph.D.

If you tested your DNA with a personal genomics service like 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage or another testing company, you can learn more about your risk factors for hundreds of diseases. By clicking the button above ⬆️, you can upload your raw DNA data file and receive a personalized 250-page health report with research links that is the most comprehensive.

Dementia is characterized as a syndrome, rather than a singular disease. Individuals with early onset Alzheimer's disease may be affected by an autosomal dominant inheritance due to mutations in genes APP,PSEN1 or PSEN2, accounting for roughly 0.5% of cases. Late onset Alzheimer's disease has been identified as having multifactorial heritability through findings within population-based twin studies; patients carrying the APOE epsilon4 allele exhibit higher risk while those who carry the epsilon2 allele receive protective effects. Recent genome-wide association research led two International study groups to highlight significant contributions from CLU, PICALM and CRI genes towards late-onset risks regarding this type of dementia.Taking after dementia itself,CADASIL was discovered also being classified fundamentally under syndrome status,rather then single-causal genesis,and impacting predominantly stroke sufferers.Frequently encountered among these demographic,is genetic disturbance CADASIL,majorly caused by incorrect NOTCH3 gene sequences rendering it unable transmembrane receptor transmission.In instances where strokes occurwithout inherently present preexisting vascular afflictions,together they can collaboratively lead to developmentof symptoms akinthereto associated conditions suchas Cognitive disfunctioning,popularizedwith well-known dementiathe aftermaths ensuingthe cerebrovascular mafunctions beforehand earlier occurring therein.The mechanism behind said-conditionthepossibility thatufferers have lessened cerebralblood flow,resultantlynegating supply complications observed mostlysymptomatic cognitive-disease-connoted impacts stated above.Cerebralbrittleness hence upon which are pronemore avalulablealsoexistentialfactorsinvolvedinthesecondarycausations arrive therefrom explainedby what-is currently-circumscribed mainstream society albeit still holding much roomfor expansion into deeper knowledgeaboutetiologyamongst medical professionals.co-morbid cognitivedys functionality.Whilestroke,pathologically-speakinghas physical origins,this neurological syndromesuffers not mainlymainly but overall from the intrinsic impairments inflicted by it.

The presence of a family member suffering from Alzheimer's disease does not establish a genetic correlation. Those impacted by risk factor genes have merely an insignificantly higher chance of acquiring the ailment than the general populace.

Up to this point, the Apolipoprotein E gene on chromosome 19 stands as the most significant discovery in genetics. In humans, there exist three variations of this genetic sequence: types 2,3 and 4. Each individual carries two copies of these genes; they can be identical (e.g. both type-2) or heterogenous (e.g., one copy each of type-3 and -4). Research indicates that those who possess at least one instance of a type-4 variation are more susceptible to developing Alzheimer's disease earlier than individuals with other forms of Apolipoprotein E. However, half of octogenarians holding dual copies still show no symptoms correlated with neurodegeneration caused by Alzheimer's disease.Results illustrate that while possessing multiple instances may elevate risk factors linked to such neurological disorders,your overall chances remain unpredictable over time frames extending past age .

Individuals who are classified as type 2, particularly those with a genotype of 2,2, seem to have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease until they reach an advanced age. The scientific community has yet to fully comprehend the cause behind this phenomenon and is conducting extensive research efforts towards discovering its underlying reason.

Follow the link of the selected polymorphism to read a brief description of how the selected polymorphism affects Dementia and see a list of existing studies.

SNP polymorphisms related to the topic Dementia:

rs1476679The ZCWPW1 polymorphism is associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease.
rs744373The rs744373 polymorphism of the BIN1 1.28-fold increase in Alzheimer's disease risk is associated with more rapid AV-associated tau accumulation and cognitive decline.
rs2075650The rs2075650 polymorphism of the TOMM40 gene contributes to the development of Alzheimer's disease and frontal temporal dementia in Caucasian and Asian populations.
rs17125944The rs17125944 FERMT2 polymorphism is associated with risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
rs1799724Polymorphism rs1799724 of the tumour necrosis factor alpha gene in Alzheimer's disease.
rs242557High levels of cerebrospinal tau are associated with the rs242557 gene variant and a high risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
rs5848Common variation in the GRN gene is a major risk factor for TDP43-positive frontal temporal dementia.
rs3865444Association of the CD33 rs3865444 polymorphism with Alzheimer's disease pathology and CD33 expression in human cerebral cortex.
rs6656401An updated analysis of 85,939 samples confirms an association between the CR1 rs6656401 polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease.

About The Author
Li Dali Li Dali

Li Dali, a National Foundation for Outstanding Youth Fund recipient, is a researcher at the School of Life Sciences in East China Normal University. He earned his PhD in genetics from Hunan Normal University in 2007 and conducted collaborative research at Texas A&M University during his doctoral studies. Li Dali and his team have optimized and innovated gene editing technology, leading to the establishment of a world-class system for constructing gene editing disease models.

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