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SNP information rs2236225


Normal allele: GG

Possible increased risk of fetal birth defects. A 1.5-fold higher risk for Caucasian mothers to give birth to children with DNT (neural tube defect). The association in children with this mutation with an increased risk of heart defects is greater if their mother did not get enough folic acid during pregnancy. The risk is reduced with adequate levels of folic acid and vitamin B6.

Polymorphism rs2236225 is related to topics like this:

B6 for mthfr

Vitamin B6, belonging to the group of water-soluble B vitamins, manifests in three primary forms:...

Folate and mthfr

MTHFR is an enzyme crucial for converting folic acid into an active form known as L-methylfolate,...

DNA methylation genes

The Genetic Methylation Check examines your DNA to offer insights into your unique methylation...

Choline mthfr

Choline (vitaman B4) is a vital nutrient often lacking in many diets. Indeed, a large portion of...

Mitochondria dna

The mitochondria contain circular chromosomes known as mitochondrial DNA and are organelles...

Hereditary gastric cancer

Gastric cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, with a 5-year...

Research and publications:

  9611072   Molecular genetic analysis of the gene encoding the trifunctional enzyme MTHFD (methylenetetrahydrofolate-dehydrogenase, methenyltetrahydrofolate-cyclohydrolase, formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase) in patients with neural tube defects.

  12384833   A polymorphism, R653Q, in the trifunctional enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase/formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase is a maternal genetic risk factor for neural tube defects: report of the Birth D

  15633187   MTHFD1 R653Q polymorphism is a maternal genetic risk factor for severe abruptio placentae.

  16315005   Evaluation of a methylenetetrahydrofolate-dehydrogenase 1958G>A polymorphism for neural tube defect risk.

  16552426   Confirmation of the R653Q polymorphism of the trifunctional C1-synthase enzyme as a maternal risk for neural tube defects in the Irish population.

  16816108   Common genetic polymorphisms affect the human requirement for the nutrient choline.

  17035141   Neural tube defects and folate pathway genes: family-based association tests of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions

  17613168   Gene response elements, genetic polymorphisms and epigenetics influence the human dietary requirement for choline.

  17616785   Lymphocyte gene expression in subjects fed a low-choline diet differs between those who develop organ dysfunction and those who do not.

  17894836   The methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (MTHFD1) 1958G>A variant is not associated with spina bifida risk in the Dutch population.

  18203168   Folate and one-carbon metabolism gene polymorphisms and their associations with oral facial clefts

  18221821   Association of polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolizing genes and lung cancer risk: a case-control study in Chinese population.

  18277167   Genetic risk factors for placental abruption: a HuGE review and meta-analysis.

  18661527   Folate-related gene polymorphisms as risk factors for cleft lip and cleft palate

  18789905   Genetic polymorphisms in methyl-group metabolism and epigenetics: lessons from humans and mouse models.

  18992148   Low-penetrance alleles predisposing to sporadic colorectal cancers: a French case-controlled genetic association study

  19064578   No association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolism genes with prostate cancer risk

  19112534   Lack of association of polymorphisms in homocysteine metabolism genes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome and glaucoma

  19130090   Analysis of the MTHFD1 promoter and risk of neural tube defects.

  19167960   Genetic variants in phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase and methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase influence biomarkers of choline metabolism when folate intake is restricted.

  19261726   Epigenetic mechanisms for nutrition determinants of later health outcomes.

  19379518   Development of a fingerprinting panel using medically relevant polymorphisms.

  19493349   118 SNPs of folate-related genes and risks of spina bifida and conotruncal heart defects

  19706844   Association of folate-pathway gene polymorphisms with the risk of prostate cancer: a population-based nested case-control study, systematic review, and meta-analysis

  19808787   Genetics of human neural tube defects.

  19936946   Germline polymorphisms in the one-carbon metabolism pathway and DNA methylation in colorectal cancer

  20018050   Application of sex-specific single-nucleotide polymorphism filters in genome-wide association data.

  20217437   Analysis of the association of CbetaS 844ins68 and MTHFD1 G1958A polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease in Chinese.

  20436254   Choline: clinical nutrigenetic/nutrigenomic approaches for identification of functions and dietary requirements.

  20544798   Genetic and lifestyle variables associated with homocysteine concentrations and the distribution of folate derivatives in healthy premenopausal women

  20565774   Population based allele frequencies of disease associated polymorphisms in the Personalized Medicine Research Project

  20890936   Maternal polymorphisms in folic acid metabolic genes are associated with nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate in the Brazilian population.

  21146954   Genes and abdominal aortic aneurysm

  21254359   Folate pathway and nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate.

  21274745   Variation in folate pathway genes and distal colorectal adenoma risk: a sigmoidoscopy-based case-control study.

  21349258   Folate and choline metabolism gene variants and development of uterine cervical carcinoma.

  21429654   Polymorphic variants of folate and choline metabolism genes and the risk of endometriosis-associated infertility.

  21467728   Profile of participants and genotype distributions of 108 polymorphisms in a cross-sectional study of associations of genotypes with lifestyle and clinical factors: a project in the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort (J-MICC) Study.

  21474952   Choline: clinical nutrigenetic/nutrigenomic approaches for identification of functions and dietary requirements.

  21537397   Candidate pathway polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolism and risk of rectal tumor mutations.

  21615938   Genetic polymorphisms in folate pathway enzymes, DRD4 and GSTM1 are related to temporomandibular disorder.

  21688148   Polymorphic variants of genes involved in homocysteine metabolism in celiac disease.

  21747588   Genetic variation in genes involved in folate and drug metabolism in a south Indian population.

  21748308   Genetic variants in the folate pathway and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

  21857689   Folate and vitamin B12 in idiopathic male infertility.

  22024213   A novel gene-environment interaction involved in endometriosis

  22116453   Folate and vitamin B12-related genes and risk for omphalocele.

  22183302   Folate and choline metabolism gene variants in relation to ovarian cancer risk in the Polish population.

  22496743   Genetic variant of AMD1 is associated with obesity in urban Indian children.

  22792358   Association between genetic variants in DNA and histone methylation and telomere length.

  22856873   Evaluation of common genetic variants in 82 candidate genes as risk factors for neural tube defects.

  22903727   Maternal and infant gene-folate interactions and the risk of neural tube defects.

  23276522   Genetic variation at fifteen gene loci associated with the folate metabolic pathway and the risk of head and neck carcinoma: the Women's Genome Health Study.

  23294634   Risk score modeling of multiple gene to gene interactions using aggregated-multifactor dimensionality reduction.

  23446900   One-carbon metabolism factors and leukocyte telomere length.

  23940529   Roles of genetic polymorphisms in the folate pathway in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia evaluated by Bayesian relevance and effect size analysis.

  23946381   Genetic variants associated with colorectal cancer risk: comprehensive research synopsis, meta-analysis, and epidemiological evidence.

  24033266   A systematic approach to assessing the clinical significance of genetic variants.

  24048206   Neural tube defects, folic acid and methylation.

  24130171   Global DNA methylation and one-carbon metabolism gene polymorphisms and the risk of breast cancer in the Sister Study.

  24223580   Folate-related gene variants in Irish families affected by neural tube defects.

  24254627   MTHFR rs2274976 polymorphism is a risk marker for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in the Brazilian population.

  24524080   The effect of multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms in the folic acid pathway genes on homocysteine metabolism.

  24977710   Association between MTHFD1 G1958A polymorphism and neural tube defects susceptibility: a meta-analysis.

  24991206   Polymorphisms in folate pathway and pemetrexed treatment outcome in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  25039261   Association study of MTHFD1 coding polymorphisms R134K and R653Q with migraine susceptibility.

  25074646   Associations of common variants in methionine metabolism pathway genes with plasma homocysteine and the risk of type 2 diabetes in Han Chinese.

  25079255   A pilot study on the contribution of folate gene variants in the cognitive function of ADHD probands.

  25129243   Significant association of MTHFD1 1958G>A single nucleotide polymorphism with nonsyndromic cleft lip and palate in Indian population.

  25177243   The influence of folate pathway polymorphisms on high-dose methotrexate-related toxicity and survival in children with non-Hodgkin malignant lymphoma.

  25293959   Replication and exploratory analysis of 24 candidate risk polymorphisms for neural tube defects.

  25303517   Association of ITPA genotype with event-free survival and relapse rates in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia undergoing maintenance therapy.

  25524527   Association between MTHFD1 polymorphisms and neural tube defect susceptibility.

  25671679   Folate metabolism gene polymorphisms and risk for down syndrome offspring in Turkish women.

  25921832   Evidence for negative selection of gene variants that increase dependence on dietary choline in a Gambian cohort.

  26250961   Polymorphisms in maternal folate pathway genes interact with arsenic in drinking water to influence risk of myelomeningocele.

  26343515   Polymorphisms in MTHFD1 Gene and Susceptibility to Neural Tube Defects: A Case-Control Study in a Chinese Han Population with Relatively Low Folate Levels.

  26394717   Paternal transmission of MTHFD1 G1958A variant predisposes to neural tube defects in the offspring.

  26834978   Is MTHFD1 polymorphism rs 2236225 (c.1958G>A) associated with the susceptibility of NSCL/P? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

  27014279   Autosomal Minor Histocompatibility Antigens: How Genetic Variants Create Diversity in Immune Targets.

  27342765   Genetic impairments in folate enzymes increase dependence on dietary choline for phosphatidylcholine production at the expense of betaine synthesis.

  27452984   PACSIN2 polymorphism is associated with thiopurine-induced hematological toxicity in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia undergoing maintenance therapy.

  27808252   Functional variants of the 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase gene significantly increase susceptibility to prostate cancer: Results from an ethnic Han Chinese population.

  27872106   Methylenetetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase 1 Polymorphisms Modify the Associations of Plasma Glycine and Serine With Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients With Stable Angina Pectoris in WENBIT (Western Norway B Vitamin Intervention Trial)

  28250422   Components of the folate metabolic pathway and ADHD core traits: an exploration in eastern Indian probands.

  28398708   Evidence of gene-gene interactions between MTHFD1 and MTHFR in relation to anterior encephalocele susceptibility in Northeast India.

  28422153   Clinical-pharmacogenetic models for personalized cancer treatment: application to malignant mesothelioma.

  28559181   Deletion of one allele of Mthfd1 (methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1) impairs learning in mice.

  28572465   Relationship Between Polymorphisms in Methotrexate Pathway Genes and Outcome of Methotrexate Treatment in a Cohort of 119 Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.

  28865601   Relationship of the MTHFD1 (rs2236225), eNOS (rs1799983), CBS (rs2850144) and ACE (rs4343) gene polymorphisms in a population of Iranian pediatric patients with congenital heart defects.

  29392422   Association of main folate metabolic pathway gene polymorphisms with neural tube defects in Han population of Northern China.

  29520081   Evaluation of a clinical pharmacogenetics model to predict methotrexate response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

  30574831   LINE-1 and EPAS1 DNA methylation associations with high-altitude exposure.

  30628539   Validation of a clinical pharmacogenetic model to predict methotrexate nonresponse in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

  30867013   Association of neural tube defects with maternal alterations and genetic polymorphisms in one-carbon metabolic pathway.

  31099277   Association of methionine synthase (rs1805087), methionine synthase reductase (rs1801394), and methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1 (rs2236225) genetic polymorphisms with recurrent implantation failure.

  31350902   Formate concentrations in maternal plasma during pregnancy and in cord blood in a cohort of pregnant Canadian women: relations to genetic polymorphisms and plasma metabolites.

  32238907   CpG-SNP site methylation regulates allele-specific expression of MTHFD1 gene in type 2 diabetes.

  32443475   Independent and Interactive Influences of Environmental UVR, Vitamin D Levels, and Folate Variant MTHFD1-rs2236225 on Homocysteine Levels.

  32617779   Machine learning in prediction of genetic risk of nonsyndromic oral clefts in the Brazilian population.

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