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SNP information rs2227564


Normal allele: CC

Polymorphism rs2227564 is related to topics like this:

Alzheimer's disease is hereditary

Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative brain disease that causes dementia, resulting in a gradual...

Research and publications:

  12898287   Association of late-onset Alzheimer disease with a genotype of PLAU, the gene encoding urokinase-type plasminogen activator on chromosome 10q22.2.

  15558716   No association of nonsynonymous PLAU polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease and disease-related features was found.

  15615772   Elevated amyloid beta protein (Abeta42) and late onset Alzheimer's disease are associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms in the urokinase-type plasminogen activator gene.

  15616835   The plasminogen urokinase activator gene (PLAU) is not associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease.

  15637659   Linkage disequilibrium patterns and tagSNP transferability among European populations.

  16341549   Towards compendia of negative genetic association studies: an example for Alzheimer disease.

  16385451   A scan of chromosome 10 identifies a novel locus showing strong association with late-onset Alzheimer disease.

  16595073   Functional nsSNPs from carcinogenesis-related genes expressed in breast tissue: potential breast cancer risk alleles and their distribution across human populations

  16825285   Functional polymorphisms of plasminogen activator urokinase (PLAU) are associated with Alzheimer's disease.

  16967469   Association of tagSNPs in the urokinase-plasminogen activator gene (PLAU) with Alzheimer's disease and associated quantitative traits.

  17174555   The urokinase-type plasminogen activator polymorphism PLAU_1 is a risk factor for APOE epsilon4 non-carriers in an Italian Alzheimer's disease population and does not affect plasma Abeta(1-42) levels.

  17363771   Association of urokinase-type plasminogen activator with asthma and atopy.

  17601350   A genetic association analysis of cognitive ability and cognitive ageing using 325 markers for 109 genes associated with oxidative stress or cognition.

  17994220   Association between urokinase haplotypes and outcome from infection-associated acute lung injury.

  18076107   Confronting complexity in late-onset Alzheimer disease: application of two-stage analysis approach addressing heterogeneity and epistasis.

  18778477   Genomic variation in myeloma: design, content, and initial application of the Bank On A Cure SNP Panel to detect associations with progression-free survival.

  18779388   Assessing the potential for excess of statistically significant results in published genetic association studies: Application to Alzheimer's disease.

  19379518   Development of a fingerprinting panel using medically relevant polymorphisms.

  19526059   Polymorphic variation of genes in the fibrinolytic system and the risk of ovarian cancer.

  20518747   Association of putative functional variants in the PLAU gene and the PLAUR gene with myocardial infarction.

  20565774   Population based allele frequencies of disease associated polymorphisms in the Personalized Medicine Research Project

  21819230   Genetic variants in fibrinolytic system-related genes in infertile women with and without endometriosis.

  22024213   A novel gene-environment interaction involved in endometriosis

  22277159   Implications for health and disease in the genetic signature of the Ashkenazi Jewish population.

  22295056   Genome wide association identifies PPFIA1 as a candidate gene for acute lung injury risk following major trauma.

  22911757   Association study of candidate gene polymorphisms with amnestic mild cognitive impairment in a Chinese population.

  23628797   Significant association of urokinase plasminogen activator Pro141Leu with serum lipid profiles in a Japanese population.

  23813610   Meta-analysis of the association between urokinase-plasminogen activator gene rs2227564 polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease.

  26392776   Association between the polymorphisms of urokinase plasminogen activation system and cancer risk: a meta-analysis.

  26985771   A multiplex genetic imaging study of the relationship between cholesterol metabolism and functional brain changes in people with risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.

  27156530   Genetic variation in IBD: progress, clues to pathogenesis and possible clinical utility.

  27206134   Genetic Basis of Irritant Susceptibility in Health Care Workers.

  27336838   Blood and gut eQTLs from an anti-TNF-resistant Crohn's disease cohort inform genetic association loci for IBD.

  29334895   Challenges imposed by minor reference alleles on the identification and reporting of clinical variants from exome data.

  35873600   Searching for Genetic Biomarkers for Hereditary Angioedema Due to C1-Inhibitor Deficiency (C1-INH-HAE).

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