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SNP information rs601338


Normal allele: GG

FUT2 gene fragment affects serum vitamin B12 concentration via hologaptocorrin. Presumably reduces the amount of vitamin B12 absorption from food and tablets. Administration of B12 in the form of injections is recommended.

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Research and publications:

  7876234   Molecular cloning of a human genomic region containing the H blood group alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase gene and two H locus-related DNA restriction fragments. Isolation of a candidate for the human Secretor blood group locus.

  7876235   Sequence and expression of a candidate for the human Secretor blood group alpha(1,2)fucosyltransferase gene (FUT2). Homozygosity for an enzyme-inactivating nonsense mutation commonly correlates with the non-secretor phenotype.

  12692541   Human susceptibility and resistance to Norwalk virus infection.

  18604267   Novel association of ABO histo-blood group antigen with soluble ICAM-1: results of a genome-wide association study of 6,578 women.

  18776911   Common variants of FUT2 are associated with plasma vitamin B12 levels.

  19169360   Histo-blood group gene polymorphisms as potential genetic modifiers of infection and cystic fibrosis lung disease severity.

  19379518   Development of a fingerprinting panel using medically relevant polymorphisms.

  19474294   Potential etiologic and functional implications of genome-wide association loci for human diseases and traits

  19744961   Genome-wide significant predictors of metabolites in the one-carbon metabolism pathway.

  20041166   Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans

  20565774   Population based allele frequencies of disease associated polymorphisms in the Personalized Medicine Research Project

  20574445   A non-synonymous SNP within membrane metalloendopeptidase-like 1 (MMEL1) is associated with multiple sclerosis.

  20971884   Variant ABO blood group alleles, secretor status, and risk of pancreatic cancer: results from the pancreatic cancer cohort consortium.

  21507254   Geographic differences in allele frequencies of susceptibility SNPs for cardiovascular disease.

  21829393   Genome-wide association analysis of autoantibody positivity in type 1 diabetes cases.

  22024213   A novel gene-environment interaction involved in endometriosis

  22025780   FUT2 nonsecretor status links type 1 diabetes susceptibility and resistance to infection.

  22199995   The causal roles of vitamin B(12) and transcobalamin in prostate cancer: can Mendelian randomization analysis provide definitive answers?

  22521342   Extended analysis of a genome-wide association study in primary sclerosing cholangitis detects multiple novel risk loci.

  23075394   Association study of FUT2 (rs601338) with celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease in the Finnish population.

  23402911   Gastric intrinsic factor deficiency with combined GIF heterozygous mutations and FUT2 secretor variant.

  24463784   Variants in host viral replication cycle genes are associated with heterosexual HIV-1 acquisition in Africans.

  24612312   Fut2 genotype is a risk factor for dominant stenosis and biliary candida infections in primary sclerosing cholangitis.

  24733310   Faecal microbiota composition in adults is associated with the FUT2 gene determining the secretor status.

  25642664   FUT 2 polymorphism and outcome in very-low-birth-weight infants.

  26454189   Association of elevated rotavirus-specific antibody titers with HBGA secretor status in Swedish individuals: The FUT2 gene as a putative susceptibility determinant for infection.

  26646561   Combinations of FUT2 gene polymorphisms and environmental factors are associated with oral cancer risk.

  26766790   Association of Ulcerative Colitis with FUT2 and FUT3 Polymorphisms in Patients from Southeast China.

  26966527   A common genetic variant of fucosyltransferase 2 correlates with serum carcinoembryonic antigen levels and affects cancer screening in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis.

  27535653   eMERGE Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) identifies clinical associations and pleiotropy for stop-gain variants.

  27871240   ABO antigen and secretor statuses are not associated with gut microbiota composition in 1,500 twins.

  28334792   GWAS identifies population-specific new regulatory variants in FUT6 associated with plasma B12 concentrations in Indians.

  28742214   Association of combined GIF290T>C heterozygous mutation/FUT2 secretor variant with neural tube defects.

  28824326   FUT2 genetic variants as predictors of tumor development with hepatocellular carcinoma.

  28878367   FUT2 non-secretor status is associated with altered susceptibility to symptomatic enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection in Bangladeshis.

  29040465   The FUT2 secretor variant p.Trp154Ter influences serum vitamin B12 concentration via holo-haptocorrin, but not holo-transcobalamin, and is associated with haptocorrin glycosylation.

  29533703   FUT2 genotype and secretory status are not associated with fecal microbial composition and inferred function in healthy subjects.

  29912471   The First Norovirus Longitudinal Seroepidemiological Study From Sub-Saharan Africa Reveals High Seroprevalence of Diverse Genotypes Associated With Host Susceptibility Factors.

  30345375   FUT2 secretor genotype and susceptibility to infections and chronic conditions in the ALSPAC cohort.

  30376117   FUT2 Genetic Variants and Reported Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Illnesses During Infancy.

  30615603   Association of Fucosyltransferase 2 Gene Variant with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Meta-Analysis.

  31591105   Longitudinal Pattern of First-Phase Insulin Response Is Associated With Genetic Variants Outside the Class II HLA Region in Children With Multiple Autoantibodies.

  31666285   Common and Rare Sequence Variants Influencing Tumor Biomarkers in Blood.

  32872099   Can the FUT 2 Gene Variant Have an Effect on the Body Weight of Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery?-Preliminary, Exploratory Study.

  33195368   Time of Lactation and Maternal Fucosyltransferase Genetic Polymorphisms Determine the Variability in Human Milk Oligosaccharides.

  33667483   Estimation of secretor status of ABO antigens by high-resolution melting analysis of rs601338 (428G > A).

  33852451   Development and Validation of a Clinical-Genetic Risk Score to Predict Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis.

  34159422   Host genetic control of gut microbiome composition.

  35124268   Mendelian Randomization Analysis Reveals No Causal Relationship Between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Severe COVID-19.

  20570966   Nonsecretory fucosyltransferase 2 (FUT2) status is associated with Crohn's disease.

  21102463   Genome-wide meta-analysis increases the number of confirmed susceptibility loci for Crohn's disease to 71.

  27303667   Genetic influences on the development of fibrosis in Crohn's disease.

  27507062   Fine mapping analysis revealed a complex pleiotropic effect and tissue-specific regulatory mechanism of TNFSF15 in primary biliary cholangitis, Crohn's disease and leprosy.

  23227234   Vitamin B-12 status during pregnancy and child IQ at 8 years of age: a Mendelian randomized trial within the Avon Parent-Child Longitudinal Study.

  24326010   FUT2: bridging the gene-environment gap in Behçet's disease?

  34739405   Fucosyltransferase 2 mutations are associated with a favorable clinical course of Crohn's disease.

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