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SNP information rs2241880

Normal allele: AA

Polymorphism rs2241880 is related to topics like this:

Crohn's disease

Research and publications:

  17200669   A genome-wide association scan of nonsynonymous SNPs identifies a susceptibility variant for Crohn disease in ATG16L1.

  17435756   Genome-wide association study identifies new susceptibility loci for Crohn disease and implicates autophagy in disease pathogenesis.

  17447842   Novel Crohn disease locus identified by genome-wide association maps to a gene desert on 5p13.1 and modulates expression of PTGER4.

  17684544   Systematic association mapping identifies NELL1 as a novel IBD disease gene.

  17924341   Fine mapping versus replication in whole-genome association studies.

  18047540   ATG16L1 and IL23R are associated with inflammatory bowel diseases but not with celiac disease in the Netherlands.

  18495612   [Correlation of the autophagosome gene ATG16L1 polymorphism and inflammatory bowel disease].

  18499543   ATG16L1 and IL23 receptor (IL23R) genes are associated with disease susceptibility in Hungarian CD patients.

  18698678   Replication of interleukin 23 receptor and autophagy-related 16-like 1 association in adult- and pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease in Italy.

  18853133   Gene variants influencing measures of inflammation or predisposing to autoimmune and inflammatory diseases are not associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  19185283   Searching for genotype-phenotype structure: using hierarchical log-linear models in Crohn disease.

  19491842   Association of ATG16L1 and IRGM genes polymorphisms with inflammatory bowel disease: a meta-analysis approach.

  19575361   Role of ATG16L1 Thr300Ala polymorphism in inflammatory bowel disease: a Study in the Spanish population and a meta-analysis.

  19590455   Association of IL23R p.381Gln and ATG16L1 p.197Ala with Crohn disease in the Czech population.

  19683022   Lack of association of NKX2-3, IRGM, and ATG16L1 inflammatory bowel disease susceptibility variants with celiac disease.

  19916168   Genome-wide association studies--a summary for the clinical gastroenterologist.

  20014019   Genome wide association (GWA) predictors of anti-TNFalpha therapeutic responsiveness in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease.

  20082483   NOD2, IL23R and ATG16L1 polymorphisms in Lithuanian patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

  20155851   NOD2 status and human ileal gene expression.

  20222171   T300A polymorphism of ATG16L1 and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel diseases: a meta-analysis.

  20839241   Disease phenotype and genotype are associated with shifts in intestinal-associated microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseases.

  21333900   The role of genetics in IBS

  21487504   Immunopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease.

  21513755   ATG16L1 gene polymorphisms are associated with palmoplantar pustulosis.

  21559399   CEACAM6 gene variants in inflammatory bowel disease.

  21673517   ATG16L1 polymorphisms are associated with NOD2-induced hyperinflammation.

  21858542   Sex differences in disease risk from reported genome-wide association study findings.

  21936032   Digesting the genetics of inflammatory bowel disease: insights from studies of autophagy risk genes.

  21978003   Autophagy modulates the Mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced cytokine response.

  22479607   Analysis of IL12B gene variants in inflammatory bowel disease.

  22719818   Inflammatory bowel diseases phenotype, C. difficile and NOD2 genotype are associated with shifts in human ileum associated microbial composition.

  22879892   Polymorphisms in autophagy genes and susceptibility to tuberculosis.

  22938532   Sequencing and analysis of a South Asian-Indian personal genome.

  23365659   IRGM variants and susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease in the German population.

  23535819   Lack of association of the autophagy-related gene polymorphism ATG16L1 rs2241880 in RA predisposition.

  24012056   Association of Egr-1 and autophagy-related gene polymorphism in men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  24739953   Role of genetic variants of autophagy genes in susceptibility for non-medullary thyroid cancer and patients outcome.

  24791954   Association of autophagy-related 16-like 1 (ATG16L1) gene polymorphism with sepsis severity in patients with sepsis and ventilator-associated pneumonia.

  25369137   A multilocus genetic study in a cohort of Italian SLE patients confirms the association with STAT4 gene and describes a new association with HCP5 gene.

  25587358   Complex host genetics influence the microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease.

  25664588   Autophagy in Helicobacter pylori Infection and Related Gastric Cancer.

  25944217   Genetic Polymorphisms in Autophagy-Associated Genes in Korean Children With Early-Onset Crohn Disease.

  26030385   Polymorphisms in autophagy genes are associated with paget disease of bone.

  26043189   Genetic determinants of quantitative traits associated with cardiovascular disease risk.

  27128681   Genetic Variation in Autophagy-Related Genes Influences the Risk and Phenotype of Buruli Ulcer.

