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SNP information rs7574865


Normal allele: GG

1.3-fold risk of rheumatoid arthritis

Polymorphism rs7574865 is related to topics like this:

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Research and publications:

  17804842   STAT4 and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

  17932559   Association of STAT4 with rheumatoid arthritis in the Korean population.

  18273036   A variant form of STAT4 is associated with primary Sjögren's syndrome.

  18432273   STAT4 but not TRAF1/C5 variants influence the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus in Colombians.

  18434327   Re-evaluation of putative rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes in the post-genome wide association study era and hypothesis of a key pathway underlying susceptibility

  18516230   Specificity of the STAT4 genetic association for severe disease manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus.

  18576330   Association of STAT4 with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus in the Japanese population.

  18576336   Association of STAT4 with rheumatoid arthritis: a replication study in three European populations.

  18579578   A risk haplotype of STAT4 for systemic lupus erythematosus is over-expressed, correlates with anti-dsDNA and shows additive effects with two risk alleles of IRF5.

  18625278   Association of a TRAF1 and a STAT4 gene polymorphism with increased risk for rheumatoid arthritis in a genetically homogeneous population.

  18703106   STAT4: a risk factor for type 1 diabetes?

  18759272   Association of the STAT4 gene with increased susceptibility for some immune-mediated diseases.

  18794853   Common variants at CD40 and other loci confer risk of rheumatoid arthritis

  18803832   Role of STAT4 polymorphisms in systemic lupus erythematosus in a Japanese population: a case-control association study of the STAT1-STAT4 region.

  19019891   STAT4 associates with systemic lupus erythematosus through two independent effects that correlate with gene expression and act additively with IRF5 to increase risk.

  19109131   Cutting edge: autoimmune disease risk variant of STAT4 confers increased sensitivity to IFN-alpha in lupus patients in vivo.

  19116934   The chromosome 7q region association with rheumatoid arthritis in females in a British population is not replicated in a North American case-control series.

  19120275   STAT4 polymorphism is associated with early-onset type 1 diabetes, but not with late-onset type 1 diabetes.

  19225526   Population differences in SLE susceptibility genes: STAT4 and BLK, but not PXK, are associated with systemic lupus erythematosus in Hong Kong Chinese.

  19286670   The STAT4 gene influences the genetic predisposition to systemic sclerosis phenotype.

  19287509   Genome-wide association study of determinants of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody titer in adults with rheumatoid arthritis.

  19332627   Lack of association between STAT4 gene polymorphism and biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis.

  19333953   High-density genotyping of STAT4 reveals multiple haplotypic associations with systemic lupus erythematosus in different racial groups.

  19371230   STAT4 is not associated with type 2 diabetes in the genetically homogeneous population of Crete.

  19404967   Confirmation of STAT4, IL2/IL21, and CTLA4 polymorphisms in rheumatoid arthritis.

  19440199   Recent insights into the genetic basis of systemic lupus erythematosus.

  19442287   Replication of recently identified systemic lupus erythematosus genetic associations: a case-control study.

  19445664   Association of common polymorphisms in known susceptibility genes with rheumatoid arthritis in a Slovak population using osteoarthritis patients as controls

  19458352   Primary biliary cirrhosis associated with HLA, IL12A, and IL12RB2 variants.

  19479340   Association of STAT4 polymorphism with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus: a meta-analysis.

  19500629   STAT4 gene polymorphism is associated with psoriasis in the genetically homogeneous population of Crete, Greece.

  19565500   Variants in TNFAIP3, STAT4, and C12orf30 loci associated with multiple autoimmune diseases are also associated with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

  19588142   Association between the rs7574865 polymorphism of STAT4 and rheumatoid arthritis: a meta-analysis.

  19591781   The search for lupus biomarkers

  19605742   STAT4 single nucleotide polymorphism, rs7574865 G/T, as a risk for antiphospholipid syndrome.

  19644876   Association of STAT4 and BLK, but not BANK1 or IRF5, with primary antiphospholipid syndrome.

  19644887   STAT4 is a genetic risk factor for systemic sclerosis having additive effects with IRF5 on disease susceptibility and related pulmonary fibrosis.

  19674979   Overlap of disease susceptibility loci for rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

  19684152   Cigarette smoking, STAT4 and TNFRSF1B polymorphisms, and systemic lupus erythematosus in a Japanese population.

  19714582   Rheumatoid arthritis does not share most of the newly identified systemic lupus erythematosus genetic factors.

  19737838   A haplotype in STAT4 gene associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Caucasians is not associated in the Han Chinese population, but with the presence of rheumatoid factor.

  19838193   Genome-wide association study in a Chinese Han population identifies nine new susceptibility loci for systemic lupus erythematosus.

  19838195   A large-scale replication study identifies TNIP1, PRDM1, JAZF1, UHRF1BP1 and IL10 as risk loci for systemic lupus erythematosus

  19849816   Genetics of rheumatic disease.

  19854706   Association of IRF5 polymorphisms with activation of the interferon alpha pathway.

  19877059   BANK1 is a genetic risk factor for diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis and has additive effects with IRF5 and STAT4.

  19898481   Genetic variants at CD28, PRDM1 and CD2/CD58 are associated with rheumatoid arthritis risk

  19923204   Genetic background of systemic sclerosis: autoimmune genes take centre stage

  19950257   Polymorphisms in TBX21 and STAT4 increase the risk of systemic sclerosis: evidence of possible gene-gene interaction and alterations in Th1/Th2 cytokines.

  20018027   Conditional analysis of the major histocompatibility complex in rheumatoid arthritis.

  20018035   A combinatorial approach for detecting gene-gene interaction using multiple traits of Genetic Analysis Workshop 16 rheumatoid arthritis data.

  20018049   Evaluation of an optimal receiver operating characteristic procedure.

  20039785   The protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 R620W polymorphism does not confer susceptibility to psoriasis in the genetic homogeneous population of Crete.

  20075733   Recent advances in the genetics of rheumatoid arthritis.

  20153791   The STAT4 gene influences genetic susceptibility to ulcerative colitis but not Crohn's disease in a Spanish population: a replication study.

  20169177   Genome-wide association study in Asian populations identifies variants in ETS1 and WDFY4 associated with systemic lupus erythematosus.

  20169389   A meta-analysis of the association of STAT4 polymorphism with systemic lupus erythematosus.

  20176035   Association of signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 genetic variants with extra-intestinal manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease.

  20209114   Infection in systemic lupus erythematosus: friend or foe?

  20219786   The role of rheumatoid arthritis genetic susceptibility markers in the prediction of erosive disease in patients with early inflammatory polyarthritis: results from the Norfolk Arthritis Register.

  20233754   Cumulative association of 22 genetic variants with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis risk.

  20237121   Genetic variants of STAT4 associated with rheumatoid arthritis in persons of Asian and European ancestry do not replicate in African Americans.

  20309765   Bagging optimal ROC curve method for predictive genetic tests, with an application for rheumatoid arthritis.

  20338887   Non-synonymous variant (Gly307Ser) in CD226 is associated with susceptibility to multiple autoimmune diseases.

  20353580   Evaluation of the rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility loci HLA-DRB1, PTPN22, OLIG3/TNFAIP3, STAT4 and TRAF1/C5 in an inception cohort.

  20360187   Effect of STAT4 polymorphism on primary Sjögren's syndrome.

  20392289   Genetic associations in type I interferon related pathways with autoimmunity.

  20438790   STAT4 polymorphism in a Chinese Han population with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome and Behçet's disease.

  20439292   Genetic variants in the prediction of rheumatoid arthritis.

  20441431   Recent advances in the genetics of systemic lupus erythematosus.

  20444755   Investigation of rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes identifies association of AFF3 and CD226 variants with response to anti-tumour necrosis factor treatment.

  20453842   Genome-wide association study meta-analysis identifies seven new rheumatoid arthritis risk loci.

  20454450   Evidence that STAT4 is a common autoimmune gene: rs7574865 is associated with Crohn's disease of the colon and early onset of the disease.

  20461788   Association of a rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility variant at the CCL21 locus with premature mortality in inflammatory polyarthritis patients.

  20498205   Investigation of potential non-HLA rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility loci in a European cohort increases the evidence for nine markers.

  20510233   Leveraging human genetics to develop future therapeutic strategies in rheumatoid arthritis.

  20652065   Interferon alpha in systemic lupus erythematosus.

  20722033   The susceptibility loci juvenile idiopathic arthritis shares with other autoimmune diseases extend to PTPN2, COG6, and ANGPT1.

  20805105   Synthetic associations in the context of genome-wide association scan signals

  20807474   The genetics of systemic sclerosis.

  20848568   Genetically determined Amerindian ancestry correlates with increased frequency of risk alleles for systemic lupus erythematosus.

  20881011   Early disease onset is predicted by a higher genetic risk for lupus and is associated with a more severe phenotype in lupus patients.

  20933377   Recent findings on genetics of systemic autoimmune diseases.

  21060334   Genetic susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus in the genomic era.

  21068098   Study of the common genetic background for rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

  21085187   Comprehensive association analysis of candidate genes for generalized vitiligo supports XBP1, FOXP3, and TSLP.

  21120996   Most common single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with rheumatoid arthritis in persons of European ancestry confer risk of rheumatoid arthritis in African Americans.

  21149496   NLRP1 influences the systemic sclerosis phenotype: a new clue for the contribution of innate immunity in systemic sclerosis-related fibrosing alveolitis pathogenesis.

  21156761   A genome-wide association study suggests contrasting associations in ACPA-positive versus ACPA-negative rheumatoid arthritis.

  21167895   Association of genetic variations in the STAT4 and IRF7/KIAA1542 regions with systemic lupus erythematosus in a Northern Han Chinese population.

  21211616   Genetic basis of autoantibody positive and negative rheumatoid arthritis risk in a multi-ethnic cohort derived from electronic health records.

  21379322   Risk alleles for systemic lupus erythematosus in a large case-control collection and associations with clinical subphenotypes.

  21383967   Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis identifies fourteen non-HLA shared loci.

  21408207   Differential genetic associations for systemic lupus erythematosus based on anti-dsDNA autoantibody production.

  21418779   Signal transducer and activator of transcription and the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid autoimmune disorders.

  21497524   Genetics and genomics of Sjögren's syndrome: research provides clues to pathogenesis and new treatment methods.

  21635716   Aspects of innate immunity in Sjögren's syndrome.

  21683716   Signal transducer and activator of transcription 4 gene polymorphisms associated with rheumatoid arthritis in Northwestern Chinese Han population.

  21719445   Phenotypic associations of genetic susceptibility loci in systemic lupus erythematosus.

  21750679   Genome-wide scan identifies TNIP1, PSORS1C1, and RHOB as novel risk loci for systemic sclerosis.

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