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SNP information rs3811647


Normal allele: GG

Genetic determinants of body iron stores and risk of type 2 diabetes.

Polymorphism rs3811647 is related to topics like this:

Genetic haemochromatosis

Hereditary hemochromatosis is a genetic condition associated with severe liver disease and various...

Research and publications:

  19084217   Variants in TF and HFE explain approximately 40% of genetic variation in serum-transferrin levels.

  19673882   A novel association between a SNP in CYBRD1 and serum ferritin levels in a cohort study of HFE hereditary haemochromatosis.

  19820699   Common variants in TMPRSS6 are associated with iron status and erythrocyte volume.

  20095037   Heritability of serum iron measures in the hemochromatosis and iron overload screening (HEIRS) family study.

  21208937   Identification of a common variant in the TFR2 gene implicated in the physiological regulation of serum iron levels.

  21483845   Genome-wide association study identifies genetic loci associated with iron deficiency.

  21665994   Genome-wide association study identifies two loci strongly affecting transferrin glycosylation.

  21978626   Four variants in transferrin and HFE genes as potential markers of iron deficiency anaemia risk: an association study in menstruating women.

  22232660   Brain structure in healthy adults is related to serum transferrin and the H63D polymorphism in the HFE gene.

  22323359   TMPRSS6, but not TF, TFR2 or BMP2 variants are associated with increased risk of iron-deficiency anemia.

  22761678   Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in iron-related genes and iron status in multiethnic populations.

  22815867   Genetic determinants for body iron store and type 2 diabetes risk in US men and women.

  23092954   SHAVE: shrinkage estimator measured for multiple visits increases power in GWAS of quantitative traits

  23903878   Prenatal methylmercury exposure and genetic predisposition to cognitive deficit at age 8 years.

  23996192   Toenail iron, genetic determinants of iron status, and the risk of glioma.

  24391736   The contribution of diet and genotype to iron status in women: a classical twin study.

  24398642   Maternal iron levels early in pregnancy are not associated with offspring IQ score at age 8, findings from a Mendelian randomization study.

  25457201   Genome-wide association study identifies TF as a significant modifier gene of iron metabolism in HFE hemochromatosis.

  25809685   Common Variants and Haplotypes in the TF, TNF-α, and TMPRSS6 Genes Are Associated with Iron Status in a Female Black South African Population.

  26582562   Signatures of Evolutionary Adaptation in Quantitative Trait Loci Influencing Trace Element Homeostasis in Liver.

  27255824   Determinants of iron accumulation in the normal aging brain.

  27332551   Associations between Common Variants in Iron-Related Genes with Haematological Traits in Populations of African Ancestry.

  27437086   Allele Frequencies of the Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Related to the Body Burden of Heavy Metals in the Korean Population and Their Ethnic Differences.

  27730450   Candidate gene studies of diabetic retinopathy in human.

  29942042   A decade in psychiatric GWAS research.

  31936202   The Prevalence of Insomnia and the Link between Iron Metabolism Genes Polymorphisms, TF rs1049296 C>T, TF rs3811647 G>A, TFR rs7385804 A>C, HAMP rs10421768 A>G and Sleep Disorders in Polish Individuals with ASD.

  33758941   Genetics of Iron Metabolism and Premenstrual Symptoms: A Mendelian Randomization Study.

  33850216   Association of common TMPRSS6 and TF gene variants with hepcidin and iron status in healthy rural Gambians.

  34666587   Placental cadmium, placental genetic variations, and birth size.

  35682458   Hepcidin (rs10421768), Transferrin (rs3811647, rs1049296) and Transferrin Receptor 2 (rs7385804) Gene Polymorphism Might Be Associated with the Origin of Multiple Sclerosis.

  24121126   Pooled analysis of iron-related genes in Parkinson's disease: association with transferrin.

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