Normal allele: GG
Polymorphism rs1800371 is related to topics like this:
Research and publications:
8352280 Functional studies of a germ-line polymorphism at codon 47 within the p53 gene.
15851479 The codon 47 polymorphism in p53 is functionally significant.
18212354 Genes in glucose metabolism and association with spina bifida.
19165225 p53 polymorphisms: cancer implications.
19224462 Polymorphisms and DNA methylation of gene TP53 associated with extra-axial brain tumors.
19995808 PhosSNP for systematic analysis of genetic polymorphisms that influence protein phosphorylation.
20182602 TP53 mutations in human cancers: origins, consequences, and clinical use.
20443084 P53 gene polymorphisms and breast cancer risk in Arab women.
21402718 Regulation of female reproduction by p53 and its family members.
24033266 A systematic approach to assessing the clinical significance of genetic variants.
27083994 p53: out of Africa.
28649645 A functionally significant SNP in TP53 and breast cancer risk in African-American women.