Normal allele: TT
Common genetic variant in type 1 diabetes and celiac disease.
Polymorphism rs1738074 is related to topics like this:
Research and publications:
18311140 Newly identified genetic risk variants for celiac disease related to the immune response.
19073967 Shared and distinct genetic variants in type 1 diabetes and celiac disease
19648293 Replication of celiac disease UK genome-wide association study results in a US population.
19898481 Genetic variants at CD28, PRDM1 and CD2/CD58 are associated with rheumatoid arthritis risk
20190752 Multiple common variants for celiac disease influencing immune gene expression.
20587799 Genetics of type 1 diabetes: what next?
20805105 Synthetic associations in the context of genome-wide association scan signals
21390051 Fine mapping the TAGAP risk locus in rheumatoid arthritis.
21760890 Potential celiac patients: a model of celiac disease pathogenesis.
21826374 Selective IgA deficiency in autoimmune diseases.
21829393 Genome-wide association analysis of autoantibody positivity in type 1 diabetes cases.
21980299 A genome-wide meta-analysis of six type 1 diabetes cohorts identifies multiple associated loci.
22087237 Improving the estimation of celiac disease sibling risk by non-HLA genes.
22164203 Perspectives on the use of multiple sclerosis risk genes for prediction.
22190364 Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci.
22396755 Genomic regions associated with multiple sclerosis are active in B cells.
22592522 Association of celiac disease genes with inflammatory bowel disease in Finnish and Swedish patients.
23730204 Progress in multiple sclerosis genetics.
27802296 A Risk Score for Predicting Multiple Sclerosis.
28208589 Association of LPP and TAGAP Polymorphisms with Celiac Disease Risk: A Meta-Analysis.
30361804 Replication study of GWAS risk loci in Greek multiple sclerosis patients.