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SNP information rs1079597


Normal allele: CC

DRD2 polymorphisms confer an increased risk of autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia.

Polymorphism rs1079597 is related to topics like this:

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Research and publications:

  18154681   A lesson not learned: allele misassignment.

  18305461   Association between ADORA2A and DRD2 polymorphisms and caffeine-induced anxiety.

  18366720   Association of dopaminergic pathway gene polymorphisms with chronic renal insufficiency among Asian Indians with type-2 diabetes.

  18563706   The impact of genetic variation in DRD2 and SLC6A3 on smoking cessation in a cohort of participants 1 year after enrollment in a lung cancer screening study.

  19309284   Haplotype diversity and linkage disequilibrium at DRD2 locus--a study on four population groups of Andhra Pradesh, India.

  19512960   Genetic diagnostics of functional variants of the human dopamine D2 receptor gene.

  19793394   Haplotype frequencies at the DRD2 locus in populations of the East European Plain.

  19911060   Persistence criteria for susceptibility genes for schizophrenia: a discussion from an evolutionary viewpoint.

  20146828   Dopamine D2 receptor polymorphisms and susceptibility to alcohol dependence in Indian males: a preliminary study.

  20205808   Association between dopaminergic polymorphisms and borderline personality traits among at-risk young adults and psychiatric inpatients.

  20431429   Association of DRD2 variants and Gilles de la Tourette syndrome in a family-based sample from a South American population isolate.

  20505554   Association study between the DAT1, DBH and DRD2 genes and cocaine dependence in a Spanish sample.

  20532872   Genetics of caffeine consumption and responses to caffeine.

  20549395   Genetics of post-traumatic stress disorder: review and recommendations for genome-wide association studies

  20736885   PharmGKB summary: dopamine receptor D2.

  21150907   Intronic polymorphisms affecting alternative splicing of human dopamine D2 receptor are associated with cocaine abuse.

  21162693   Pharmacogenetics and antipsychotics: therapeutic efficacy and side effects prediction.

  21527290   Psychopathological aspects of dopaminergic gene polymorphisms in adolescence and young adulthood.

  21738487   Genome-wide internet-based association study identifies two new loci and a significant genetic component of Parkinson's disease.

  21781348   Genetic polymorphisms involved in dopaminergic neurotransmission and risk of Parkinson's disease in a Japanese population.

  22358648   The aggregate effect of dopamine genes on dependence symptoms among cocaine users: cross-validation of a candidate system scoring approach.

  22559203   DRD2 and PPP1R1B (DARPP-32) polymorphisms independently confer increased risk for autism spectrum disorders and additively predict affected status in male-only affected sib-pair families.

  22963930   Custom genotyping for substance addiction susceptibility genes in Jordanians of Arab descent.

  24065931   The CHRNA3 rs578776 Variant is Associated with an Intrinsic Reward Sensitivity Deficit in Smokers.

  24724616   Sex-specific effects of naturally occurring variants in the dopamine receptor D2 locus on insulin secretion and type 2 diabetes susceptibility.

  25658328   Polymorphism in the serotonin receptor 2a (HTR2A) gene as possible predisposal factor for aggressive traits.

  25679126   Variations in DRD2 genotype and haplotype are associated with improvement in negative symptoms after 6 weeks of amisulpride treatment.

  25819021   A review of pharmacogenetic studies of substance-related disorders.

  26015071   Effects of Interaction Between Dopamine D2 Receptor and Monoamine Oxidase A Genes on Smoking Status in Young Men.

  26220612   Genetic influences on delay discounting in smokers: examination of a priori candidates and exploration of dopamine-related haplotypes.

  26926883   Genetic variation and dopamine D2 receptor availability: a systematic review and meta-analysis of human in vivo molecular imaging studies.

  26970175   Analysis of ANKKI (rs1800497) and DRD2 (rs1079597, rs1800498) variants in five ethnic groups from Punjab, North-West India.

  27462201   From Genetics to Epigenetics: New Perspectives in Tourette Syndrome Research.

  28512340   Using an Event-History with Risk-Free Model to Study the Genetics of Alcoholism.

  28854834   DRD2 and ANKK1 genes associate with late-onset heroin dependence in men.

  29550268   A 35.8 kilobases haplotype spanning ANKK1 and DRD2 is associated with heroin dependence in Han Chinese males.

  30103286   Association between dopamine receptor gene polymorphisms and effects of risperidone treatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

  30123056   Dopamine receptor D2 genetic variations is associated with the risk and clinicopathological variables of urothelial cell carcinoma in a Taiwanese population.

  30389402   An association study of dopaminergic (DRD2) and serotoninergic (5-HT2) gene polymorphism and schizophrenia in a North Indian population.

  30659563   Case-control study analysis of DRD2 gene polymorphisms in drug addicted patients.

  31744450   Neuropharmacological and Neurogenetic Correlates of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) As a Function of Ethnicity: Relevance to Precision Addiction Medicine.

  31948125   Personality Traits or Genetic Determinants-Which Strongly Influences E-Cigarette Users?

  32588603   Psychological factors and genetic characteristics of rural cannabis users.

  32588604   Significant association of DRD2 and ANKK1 genes with rural heroin dependence and relapse in men.

  33524518   Genetic diversity of the North African population revealed by the typing of SNPs in the DRD2/ANKK1 genomic region.

  34440083   Candidate Genes Encoding Dopamine Receptors as Predictors of the Risk of Antipsychotic-Induced Parkinsonism and Tardive Dyskinesia in Schizophrenic Patients.

  34440413   Analysis of Selected Variants of DRD2 and ANKK1 Genes in Combat Athletes.

  35140610   Genetic Factors Associated With Tardive Dyskinesia: From Pre-clinical Models to Clinical Studies.

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