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SNP information rs9923231


Normal allele: CC

Polymorphism responsible for the level of sensitivity to warfarin (vitamin K antagonist).

Polymorphism rs9923231 is related to topics like this:

Vitamin k

The biologically active form of vitamin K acts as a co-factor in a reaction crucial for both blood...

Factor 5 blood clotting disorder

Thrombophilia, an increased tendency to form abnormal blood clots that can obstruct blood vessels,...

Research and publications:

  15883587   Common VKORC1 and GGCX polymorphisms associated with warfarin dose.

  15888487   A novel functional VKORC1 promoter polymorphism is associated with inter-individual and inter-ethnic differences in warfarin sensitivity.

  15930419   Effect of VKORC1 haplotypes on transcriptional regulation and warfarin dose.

  15947090   The impact of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphism and patient characteristics upon warfarin dose requirements: proposal for a new dosing regimen.

  16270629   VKORC1 haplotypes and their impact on the inter-individual and inter-ethnical variability of oral anticoagulation.

  16580898   Influence of coagulation factor, vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1, and cytochrome P450 2C9 gene polymorphisms on warfarin dose requirements.

  16611310   The c.-1639G > A polymorphism of the VKORC1 gene is a major determinant of the response to acenocoumarol in anticoagulated patients.

  16890578   VKORC1 gene variations are the major contributors of variation in warfarin dose in Japanese patients.

  17048007   Association of warfarin dose with genes involved in its action and metabolism

  17049586   Genotypes of vitamin K epoxide reductase, gamma-glutamyl carboxylase, and cytochrome P450 2C9 as determinants of daily warfarin dose in Japanese patients.

  17387222   Genetic-based dosing in orthopedic patients beginning warfarin therapy.

  17510308   Estimation of warfarin maintenance dose based on VKORC1 (-1639 G>A) and CYP2C9 genotypes.

  17635701   VKORC1: molecular target of coumarins.

  18030307   Combination of phenotype assessments and CYP2C9-VKORC1 polymorphisms in the determination of warfarin dose requirements in heavily medicated patients.

  18252229   Warfarin pharmacogenetics: CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes predict different sensitivity and resistance frequencies in the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jewish populations.

  18305455   Use of pharmacogenetic and clinical factors to predict the therapeutic dose of warfarin.

  18322281   Genetic determinants of response to warfarin during initial anticoagulation.

  18466099   Influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on warfarin dose, anticoagulation attainment and maintenance among European-Americans and African-Americans.

  18523153   Regulatory polymorphism in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) affects gene expression and warfarin dose requirement.

  18535201   A genome-wide scan for common genetic variants with a large influence on warfarin maintenance dose.

  18542936   VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms are associated with warfarin dose requirements in Turkish patients.

  18559094   Warfarin dose and INR related to genotypes of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in patients with myocardial infarction.

  18574025   The largest prospective warfarin-treated cohort supports genetic forecasting

  18596683   Dosing algorithms to predict warfarin maintenance dose in Caucasians and African Americans

  18629445   Dependency of phenprocoumon dosage on polymorphisms in the VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genes.

  18662264   Laboratory and clinical outcomes of pharmacogenetic vs. clinical protocols for warfarin initiation in orthopedic patients.

  18680736   Genetic factors contribute to patient-specific warfarin dose for Han Chinese.

  18690342   An analysis of the relative effects of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 variants on anticoagulation related outcomes in warfarin-treated patients.

  18752379   Warfarin pharmacogenetics.

  18809808   Ethnic differences in cardiovascular drug response: potential contribution of pharmacogenetics.

  18855533   VKORC1 polymorphisms, haplotypes and haplotype groups on warfarin dose among African-Americans and European-Americans.

  19018719   VKORC1 and CYP2C9 allelic variants influence acenocoumarol dose requirements in Greek patients.

  19074728   Relative contribution of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes and early INR response to the prediction of warfarin sensitivity during initiation of therapy.

  19135231   Effect of VKORC1-1639 G>A polymorphism, body weight, age, and serum albumin alterations on warfarin response in Japanese patients.

  19228618   Estimation of the warfarin dose with clinical and pharmacogenetic data.

  19277427   Pharmacogenetics of acenocoumarol: CYP2C9 *2 and VKORC1 c.-1639G>A, 497C>G, 1173C>T, and 3730G>A variants influence drug dose in anticoagulated patients.

  19300499   A genome-wide association study confirms VKORC1, CYP2C9, and CYP4F2 as principal genetic determinants of warfarin dose.

  19387626   Exploring warfarin pharmacogenomics with the extreme-discordant-phenotype methodology: impact of FVII polymorphisms on stable anticoagulation with warfarin.

  19538716   Genetic risk factors for thrombosis and pharmacogenetic variants of warfarin in a healthy population of San Miguel (Azores).

  19582440   Influence of clinical and genetic factors on warfarin dose requirements among Japanese patients.

  19679631   Interactive modeling for ongoing utility of pharmacogenetic diagnostic testing: application for warfarin therapy.

  19745563   VKORC1 diplotype-derived dosing model to explain variability in warfarin dose requirements in Asian patients.

  19794411   Genetic factors (VKORC1, CYP2C9, EPHX1, and CYP4F2) are predictor variables for warfarin response in very elderly, frail inpatients.

  19874474   Ability of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 to predict therapeutic warfarin dose during the initial weeks of therapy.

  19875892   A vitamin K epoxide reductase-oxidase complex gene polymorphism (-1639G>A) and interindividual variability in the dose-effect of vitamin K antagonists.

  19940803   VKORC1 pharmacogenomics summary.

  19955245   Warfarin sensitivity genotyping: a review of the literature and summary of patient experience.

  20017677   ARMS test for diagnosis of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 mutation in patients with pulmonary embolism in Han Chinese.

  20072124   Genetic and clinical predictors of warfarin dose requirements in African Americans.

  20128861   Comparative performance of gene-based warfarin dosing algorithms in a multiethnic population.

  20149073   Pharmacogenetics of acenocoumarol in patients with extreme dose requirements.

  20193673   Genotype polymorphisms of GGCX, NQO1, and VKORC1 genes associated with risk susceptibility in patients with large-artery atherosclerotic stroke.

  20203262   Warfarin pharmacogenetics: a single VKORC1 polymorphism is predictive of dose across 3 racial groups.

  20339978   The impact of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphism and patient characteristics upon warfarin dose requirements in an adult Turkish population.

  20354686   Increased frequency of CYP2C9 variant alleles and homozygous VKORC1*2B carriers in warfarin-treated patients with excessive INR response.

  20375999   Integration of genetic, clinical, and INR data to refine warfarin dosing.

  20376629   VKORC1 -1639G>A and CYP2C9*3 are the major genetic predictors of phenprocoumon dose requirement.

  20386359   Gene-based warfarin dosing compared with standard of care practices in an orthopedic surgery population: a prospective, parallel cohort study.

  20421126   A regression model to predict warfarin dose from clinical variables and polymorphisms in CYP2C9, CYP4F2, and VKORC1: Derivation in a sample with predominantly a history of venous thromboembolism.

  20435227   Clinical assessment incorporating a personal genome.

  20555338   Worldwide allele frequency distribution of four polymorphisms associated with warfarin dose requirements.

  20585445   A novel, single algorithm approach to predict acenocoumarol dose based on CYP2C9 and VKORC1 allele variants.

  20615525   VKORC1 V66M mutation in African Brazilian patients resistant to oral anticoagulant therapy.

  20653676   CYP4F2 rs2108622: a minor significant genetic factor of warfarin dose in Han Chinese patients with mechanical heart valve replacement.

  20709439   Warfarin dosing in patients with impaired kidney function.

  20716240   New genetic variant that might improve warfarin dose prediction in African Americans.

  20733952   Warfarin genotyping using three different platforms.

  20833655   Genome-wide association study identifies genetic determinants of warfarin responsiveness for Japanese.

  20833980   In pediatric patients, age has more impact on dosing of vitamin K antagonists than VKORC1 or CYP2C9 genotypes.

  20842355   VKORC1-1639G>A, CYP2C9, EPHX1691A>G genotype, body weight, and age are important predictors for warfarin maintenance doses in patients with mechanical heart valve prostheses in southwest China.

  20854800   Genotyping three SNPs affecting warfarin drug response by isothermal real-time HDA assays.

  20921971   Mapping genes that predict treatment outcome in admixed populations.

  21044367   An integrative method for scoring candidate genes from association studies: application to warfarin dosing.

  21057703   Impact of pharmacokinetic (CYP2C9) and pharmacodynamic (VKORC1, F7, GGCX, CALU, EPHX1) gene variants on the initiation and maintenance phases of phenprocoumon therapy.

  21110013   Prediction of phenprocoumon maintenance dose and phenprocoumon plasma concentration by genetic and non-genetic parameters.

  21110192   Contribution of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms in the interethnic variability of warfarin dose in Malaysian populations.

  21148049   Influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphisms on warfarin and acenocoumarol in a sample of Lebanese people.

  21174619   VKORC1, CYP2C9 and CYP4F2 genetic-based algorithm for warfarin dosing: an Italian retrospective study.

  21176721   Contribution of 1173C > T polymorphism in the VKORC1 gene to warfarin dose requirements in Han Chinese patients receiving anticoagulation.

  21179214   VKORC1 pharmacogenetics and pharmacoproteomics in patients on warfarin anticoagulant therapy: transthyretin precursor as a potential biomarker.

  21179439   VKORC1 common variation and bone mineral density in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

  21185752   Pharmacogenomics of warfarin dose requirements in Hispanics.

  21228733   Genetic and nongenetic factors associated with warfarin dose requirements in Egyptian patients.

  21270790   The missing association: sequencing-based discovery of novel SNPs in VKORC1 and CYP2C9 that affect warfarin dose in African Americans.

  21318593   The influence of genetic polymorphisms and interacting drugs on initial response to warfarin in Chinese patients with heart valve replacement.

  21320153   Influence of genetic, biological and pharmacological factors on warfarin dose in a Southern Brazilian population of European ancestry.

  21562147   Identification of cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase gene variants that are significantly associated with the interindividual variations in warfarin maintenance dose.

  21575037   Population diversity and the performance of warfarin dosing algorithms.

  21637794   Identification, replication, and functional fine-mapping of expression quantitative trait loci in primary human liver tissue.

  21639946   Genetic factors associated with patient-specific warfarin dose in ethnic Indonesians.

  21672908   Facilitating pharmacogenetic studies using electronic health records and natural-language processing: a case study of warfarin.

  21691466   Genetics of warfarin sensitivity in an emergency department population with thromboembolic.

  21747589   The impact of VKORC1-1639 G>A polymorphism on the maintenance dose of oral anticoagulants for thromboembolic prophylaxis in North India: A pilot study.

  21900891   Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium Guidelines for CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes and warfarin dosing.

  21918509   Pharmacogenomics: application to the management of cardiovascular disease.

  21935354   Phased whole-genome genetic risk in a family quartet using a major allele reference sequence.

  22010099   VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotype and patient characteristics explain a large proportion of the variability in warfarin dose requirement among children.

  22023024   The pharmacogenetics of the response to warfarin in Chinese.

  22040439   Extremely low warfarin dose in patients with genotypes of CYP2C9*3/*3 and VKORC1-1639A/A.

  22114699   Clinical and genetic determinants of warfarin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics during treatment initiation.

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