Normal allele: TT
IL28B genetic variability is associated with spontaneous HCV elimination, response to treatment, and blood levels of IL-28B.
Polymorphism rs8103142 is related to topics like this:
Research and publications:
20184973 Interleukin-28b: a key piece of the hepatitis C virus recovery puzzle
20950615 IL28B and the control of hepatitis C virus infection
21303914 Interferon lambdas: the next cytokine storm
21820962 Interferon-lambda and therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus infection
22046316 Genetic variation of the IL-28B promoter affecting gene expression
22162829 Evolutionary genetic dissection of human interferons.
22214245 Genomics and proteomics in liver fibrosis and cirrhosis
22275900 Pharmacogenomics: what is next?
22295096 Genetic variations in IL28B and allergic disease in children.
23268841 Pharmacogenomics of hepatitis C infections: personalizing therapy.
24039372 Extended therapy duration for therapy-refractory hepatitis C patients with genotype 2.
25837166 IL28B is associated with outcomes of chronic HBV infection.
34452889 Association of IL28 B and IL10 Polymorphism with HCV Infection and Direct Antiviral Treatment.