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SNP information rs1800566


Normal allele: GG

Antioxidant defence enzyme gene: possible role in protection against carcinogenesis and toxicity by dietary antioxidant intake.

Polymorphism rs1800566 is related to topics like this:

DNA oxidation

Cancer may be linked to oxidative damage of DNA from various chemical and physical agents, but...

Leukemia is it genetic

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a diverse cancer that primarily impacts individuals aged 60 and...

Research and publications:

  1737339   NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase gene expression in human colon carcinoma cells: characterization of a mutation which modulates DT-diaphorase activity and mitomycin sensitivity.

  6933553   Increase of NAD(P)H:quinone reductase by dietary antioxidants: possible role in protection against carcinogenesis and toxicity.

  9000600   Characterization of a polymorphism in NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase (DT-diaphorase).

  9230185   Benzene poisoning, a risk factor for hematological malignancy, is associated with the NQO1 609C-->T mutation and rapid fractional excretion of chlorzoxazone.

  9328142   Ethnic variation in the prevalence of a common NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase polymorphism and its implications for anti-cancer chemotherapy.

  9593466   Benzene metabolites induce the loss and long arm deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 in human lymphocytes.

  9855009   Increased aneusomy and long arm deletion of chromosomes 5 and 7 in the lymphocytes of Chinese workers exposed to benzene.

  10208650   Genotype-phenotype relationships in studies of a polymorphism in NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1.

  10393869   Benzene, NQO1, and genetic susceptibility to cancer.

  10393963   A potential mechanism underlying the increased susceptibility of individuals with a polymorphism in NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) to benzene toxicity.

  11160862   Rapid polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of a mutant form of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1.

  15576619   Hematotoxicity in workers exposed to low levels of benzene.

  16026601   Decision forest analysis of 61 single nucleotide polymorphisms in a case-control study of esophageal cancer; a novel method.

  16385446   A testing framework for identifying susceptibility genes in the presence of epistasis

  17160896   Orofacial cleft risk is increased with maternal smoking and specific detoxification-gene variants.

  17366837   Genetic studies of a cluster of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases in Churchill County, Nevada

  17424838   [Genetic polymorphisms of MPO, NQO1, GSTP1, UGT1A6 associated with susceptibility of chronic benzene poisoning].

  17697348   Technology to accelerate pangenomic scanning for unknown point mutations in exonic sequences: cycling temperature capillary electrophoresis (CTCE)

  17885617   Genetic polymorphisms and benzene metabolism in humans exposed to a wide range of air concentrations.

  18191955   Correlating observed odds ratios from lung cancer case-control studies to SNP functional scores predicted by bioinformatic tools

  18214807   Association of the NQO1, MPO, and XRCC1 polymorphisms and chromosome damage among workers at a petroleum refinery.

  18511948   NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 NQO1*2 genotype (P187S) is a strong prognostic and predictive factor in breast cancer.

  18535201   A genome-wide scan for common genetic variants with a large influence on warfarin maintenance dose.

  18547414   Genotyping panel for assessing response to cancer chemotherapy

  18632753   Bladder cancer risk and genetic variation in AKR1C3 and other metabolizing genes.

  18854777   Germline genetic variations in drug action pathways predict clinical outcomes in advanced lung cancer treated with platinum-based chemotherapy.

  18922824   Genetic susceptibility to childhood leukaemia

  18936436   Prevalence in the United States of selected candidate gene variants: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1991-1994

  18992148   Low-penetrance alleles predisposing to sporadic colorectal cancers: a French case-controlled genetic association study

  19174490   Tobacco and estrogen metabolic polymorphisms and risk of non-small cell lung cancer in women.

  19442035   Pharmacogenomics of platinum-based chemotherapy in NSCLC.

  19494791   NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 Pro187Ser polymorphism and expression do not cosegregate with clinico-pathological characteristics of human mammary tumors.

  19736056   Associations of common variants in genes involved in metabolism and response to exogenous chemicals with risk of multiple myeloma.

  19778569   Oxidative stress in tardive dyskinesia: genetic association study and meta-analysis of NADPH quinine oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) and Superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2, MnSOD) genes.

  19822020   Genetic factors associated with intestinal metaplasia in a high risk Singapore-Chinese population: a cohort study

  20049130   Black carbon exposure, oxidative stress genes, and blood pressure in a repeated-measures study.

  20049212   Traffic-related air pollution, oxidative stress genes, and asthma (ECHRS).

  20091863   Genetic polymorphisms of MPO, GSTT1, GSTM1, GSTP1, EPHX1 and NQO1 as risk factors of early-onset lung cancer.

  20110814   Air pollution and homocysteine: more evidence that oxidative stress-related genes modify effects of particulate air pollution.

  20200430   TP53, MDM2, NQO1, and susceptibility to cervical cancer.

  20308648   Association between a germline OCA2 polymorphism at chromosome 15q13.1 and estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer survival.

  20331656   Fetal genotype for the xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme NQO1 influences intrauterine growth among infants whose mothers smoked during pregnancy.

  20391128   Detection of quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) related to benzene metabolism in immortalized B lymphocytes from a Chinese Han population.

  20436251   Xenobiotic metabolizing genes, meat-related exposures, and risk of advanced colorectal adenoma.

  20526719   GSTM1, GSTP1, and NQO1 polymorphisms and susceptibility to atopy and airway hyperresponsiveness among South African schoolchildren.

  20621252   The genetics of vascular complications in diabetes mellitus.

  20663217   Genetic Polymorphisms of CYP2E1, GSTP1, NQO1 and MPO and the Risk of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in a Han Chinese Population of Southern China.

  20935060   Genetic modifiers of carcinogen DNA adducts in target lung and peripheral blood mononuclear cells

  20966810   Superoxide dismutase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate: quinone oxidoreductase polymorphisms and pancreatic cancer risk.

  21034357   DCPIP (2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol) as a genotype-directed redox chemotherapeutic targeting NQO1*2 breast carcinoma.

  21048526   Doxorubicin pathways: pharmacodynamics and adverse effects.

  21228414   Genetic variation in metabolic genes, occupational solvent exposure, and risk of non-hodgkin lymphoma.

  21351093   Association of superoxide dismutases and NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductases with prognosis of patients with breast carcinomas.

  21474949   Xenobiotic metabolizing genes, meat-related exposures, and risk of advanced colorectal adenoma.

  21479364   The NQO1*2/*2 polymorphism is associated with poor overall survival in patients following resection of stages II and IIIa non-small cell lung cancer.

  21480392   Xenobiotic-Metabolizing gene polymorphisms and ovarian cancer risk.

  21514219   Genetic variants associated with breast-cancer risk: comprehensive research synopsis, meta-analysis, and epidemiological evidence

  21706157   NQO1 expression correlates inversely with NFκB activation in human breast cancer.

  21774831   Association between genetic variants in the Coenzyme Q10 metabolism and Coenzyme Q10 status in humans.

  21946896   Two minor NQO1 and NQO2 alleles predict poor response of breast cancer patients to adjuvant doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide therapy.

  21964527   C609T polymorphism of NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1 as a predictive biomarker for response to amrubicin.

  22016051   Associated with xenobiotic metabolism genes implicated in Parkinson's disease in North Indians.

  22200898   Maternal smoking during pregnancy, genetic polymorphisms of metabolic enzymes, and childhood acute leukemia: the ESCALE study (SFCE).

  22215148   Association of NQO1 rs1800566 polymorphism and the risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis.

  22216198   A genome-wide association study of the Protein C anticoagulant pathway.

  22300735   Genetic predisposition factors and nasopharyngeal carcinoma risk: a review of epidemiological association studies, 2000-2011: Rosetta Stone for NPC: genetics, viral infection, and other environmental factors.

  22573488   EGFR exon 19 in-frame deletion and polymorphisms of DNA repair genes in never-smoking female lung adenocarcinoma patients.

  22645715   Xenobiotic metabolizing gene variants and renal cell cancer: a multicenter study.

  22655231   Sequence Variants and the Risk of Head and Neck Cancer: Pooled Analysis in the INHANCE Consortium.

  22871999   Concordance of DMET plus genotyping results with those of orthogonal genotyping methods.

  22972504   A functional NQO1 609C>T polymorphism and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in a Chinese population.

  22976839   NQO1 rs1800566 (C609T), PON1 rs662 (Q192R), and PON1 rs854560 (L55M) polymorphisms segregate the risk of childhood acute leukemias according to age range distribution.

  22987024   Aromatic DNA adducts and number of lung cancer risk alleles in Map-Ta-Phut Industrial Estate workers and nearby residents.

  22992668   Pharmacogenomics knowledge for personalized medicine.

  23021489   Candidate gene association study in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia evaluated by Bayesian network based Bayesian multilevel analysis of relevance.

  23054000   Genetic variants in metabolizing genes NQO1, NQO2, MTHFR and risk of prostate cancer: a study from North India.

  23066387   Association study of genes associated to asthma in a specific environment, in an asthma familial collection located in a rural area influenced by different industries.

  23072573   Multiplex allele-specific amplification from whole blood for detecting multiple polymorphisms simultaneously.

  23139751   Exome sequencing of only seven Qataris identifies potentially deleterious variants in the Qatari population.

  23175176   Variation in PAH-related DNA adduct levels among non-smokers: the role of multiple genetic polymorphisms and nucleotide excision repair phenotype.

  23226157   Gender differences in cancer susceptibility: an inadequately addressed issue.

  23259684   Genetic oxidative stress variants and glioma risk in a Chinese population: a hospital-based case-control study.

  23276910   Association between polymorphism of the NQO1, NOS3 and NFE2L2 genes and AMD.

  23651475   Polymorphisms in xenobiotic metabolizing genes (EPHX1, NQO1 and PON1) in lymphoma susceptibility: a case control study.

  23860519   The NQO1 polymorphism C609T (Pro187Ser) and cancer susceptibility: a comprehensive meta-analysis.

  23873104   Association between NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 rs1800566 polymorphism and risk of bladder cancer.

  23946381   Genetic variants associated with colorectal cancer risk: comprehensive research synopsis, meta-analysis, and epidemiological evidence.

  23959649   Ten years of progress in the Hokkaido birth cohort study on environment and child health: cohort profile - updated 2013.

  24177223   Significant interactions between maternal PAH exposure and haplotypes in candidate genes on B[a]P-DNA adducts in a NYC cohort of non-smoking African-American and Dominican mothers and newborns.

  24260161   Parental smoking and risk of childhood brain tumors by functional polymorphisms in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolism genes.

  24315498   Synergistic association of DNA repair relevant gene polymorphisms with the risk of coronary artery disease in northeastern Han Chinese.

  24315573   Association of polymorphisms in iNOS and NQO1 with bladder cancer risk in cigarette smokers.

  24354914   NQO1 rs1800566 C>T polymorphism was associated with a decreased risk of esophageal cancer in a Chinese population.

  24491308   Systematic review and meta-analysis of candidate gene association studies of lower urinary tract symptoms in men.

  24533712   Pharmacogenomic assessment of cisplatin-based chemotherapy outcomes in ovarian cancer.

  24586820   Evidence for an epistatic effect between TP53 R72P and MDM2 T309G SNPs in HIV infection: a cross-sectional study in women from South Brazil.

  24755231   NQO1 gene rs1800566 variant is not associated with risk for multiple sclerosis.

  24755831   A novel genetic score approach using instruments to investigate interactions between pathways and environment: application to air pollution.

  24851022   Association between recent acetaminophen use and asthma: modification by polymorphism at TLR4.

  24895604   Antioxidant defense enzyme genes and asthma susceptibility: gender-specific effects and heterogeneity in gene-gene interactions between pathogenetic variants of the disease.

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