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SNP information rs806377


Normal allele: TT

Genetic variability in cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) causes addiction to cannabis.

Polymorphism rs806377 is related to topics like this:

Research and publications:

  16917946   Cannabis receptor haplotype associated with fewer cannabis dependence symptoms in adolescents.

  18213623   Association of the cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) with ADHD and post-traumatic stress disorder.

  19016476   Evidence for association between polymorphisms in the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) gene and cannabis dependence.

  19052543   Interaction between two independent CNR1 variants increases risk for cocaine dependence in European Americans: a replication study in family-based sample and population-based sample.

  19335651   Candidate genes for cannabis use disorders: findings, challenges and directions.

  19443135   The association between cannabinoid receptor 1 gene (CNR1) and cannabis dependence symptoms in adolescents and young adults.

  20549395   Genetics of post-traumatic stress disorder: review and recommendations for genome-wide association studies

  21143251   A candidate gene association study of alcohol consumption in young women.

  21714860   Variation in the human cannabinoid receptor CNR1 gene modulates gaze duration for happy faces.

  21798285   Endocannabinoid influence in drug reinforcement, dependence and addiction-related behaviors.

  22123166   Contributions of endocannabinoid signaling to psychiatric disorders in humans: genetic and biochemical evidence.

  22459871   A review of the interactions between alcohol and the endocannabinoid system: implications for alcohol dependence and future directions for research.

  23407780   Screening genetic variability at the CNR1 gene in both major depression etiology and clinical response to citalopram treatment.

  23422373   CNR1 gene and risk of the metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia.

  23748922   A common functional promoter variant links CNR1 gene expression to HDL cholesterol level.

  23799528   Moderation of antipsychotic-induced weight gain by energy balance gene variants in the RUPP autism network risperidone studies.

  26527537   The role of cannabinoid receptors in the processing of facial expressions in adolescents.

  27642547   Genetic and Environmental Factors Associated with Cannabis Involvement.

  28099629   The role of the CNR1 gene in schizophrenia: a systematic review including unpublished data.

  28534260   Pharmacogenetics of Cannabinoids.

  35140610   Genetic Factors Associated With Tardive Dyskinesia: From Pre-clinical Models to Clinical Studies.

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