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SNP information rs731236


Normal allele: AA

Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism. Increases the risk of breast and lung cancer, melanoma, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Polymorphism rs731236 is related to topics like this:

Genetic vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D plays a vital role in maintaining musculoskeletal health. Recent studies have linked...

Research and publications:

  15113403   Current limitations of SNP data from the public domain for studies of complex disorders: a test for ten candidate genes for obesity and osteoporosis

  15157284   Patterns of linkage disequilibrium and haplotype distribution in disease candidate genes

  15651992   Variants in the vitamin D receptor gene and asthma

  16279845   Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms are associated with Graves' disease in patients from Germany and Poland, but not in patients from Serbia.

  16600026   Asthma families show transmission disequilibrium of gene variants in the vitamin D metabolism and signalling pathway

  16634022   Polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor and their associations with risk of schizophrenia and selected anthropometric measures

  16899094   The short vitamin D receptor is associated with increased risk for generalized aggressive periodontitis.

  17135034   Polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor gene predict the onset of surgical menopause in Caucasian females

  17244366   Vitamin D pathway gene polymorphisms, diet, and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer: a nested case-control study

  17867381   Vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) associations with cancer

  17903296   Genome-wide association with bone mass and geometry in the Framingham Heart Study

  17943423   Lack of association of VDR gene polymorphisms with thyroid autoimmune disorders: familial and case/control studies

  18079052   Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer

  18086759   Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and epithelial ovarian cancer risk

  18086783   CDX2 VDR polymorphism and colorectal cancer

  18161000   Family-based analysis of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and type 1 diabetes in the population of South Croatia

  18205735   Association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in Chinese patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis

  18246496   Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and renal cancer risk in Central and Eastern Europe

  18316854   Analysis of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis

  18361940   Lack of association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Portuguese population

  18419802   Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and haplotypes and postmenopausal breast cancer risk.

  18587672   Vitamin D receptor variants and breast cancer risk in the Polish population

  18628249   Association of vitamin D receptor gene variants, adiposity and colon cancer.

  18705810   Analysis of association of clinical aspects and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism with dental implant loss.

  18849534   Association of genetic polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor gene and susceptibility to sporadic prostate cancer

  18936436   Prevalence in the United States of selected candidate gene variants: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1991-1994

  19105801   Genetic analysis of the vitamin D receptor gene in two epithelial cancers: melanoma and breast cancer case-control studies.

  19255064   Vitamin D-related genes, serum vitamin D concentrations and prostate cancer risk

  19383647   Past environmental sun exposure and risk of multiple sclerosis: a role for the Cdx-2 Vitamin D receptor variant in this interaction.

  19454612   Vitamin D pathway gene variants and prostate cancer risk

  19499989   Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms in differentiated thyroid carcinoma

  19584489   Vitamin D receptor (FokI, BsmI and TaqI) gene polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes mellitus: a North Indian study

  19615888   Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, and melanoma: UK case-control comparisons and a meta-analysis of published VDR data

  19622139   Association study between vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and asthma in the Chinese Han population: a case-control study

  19644412   Polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene and risk of lung cancer

  19679055   Vitamin D receptor variants and the malignant melanoma risk: a population-based study

  19682379   TagSNP transferability and relative loss of variability prediction from HapMap to an admixed population

  19693091   Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and distinct clinical phenotypes of hepatitis B carriers in Taiwan

  19734102   Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes in Crete, Greece

  19753122   Analysis of SNPs and haplotypes in vitamin D pathway genes and renal cancer risk

  19758194   Association study on two vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and vitamin D metabolites in multiple sclerosis.

  19770375   Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels are associated with breslow thickness at presentation and survival from melanoma

  19783860   A rare haplotype of the vitamin D receptor gene is protective against diabetic nephropathy

  19841454   Collaborative meta-analysis: associations of 150 candidate genes with osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture

  19956101   Overview of the Rapid Response data

  19956106   Analysis of 19 genes for association with type I diabetes in the Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium families.

  19956109   Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium Rapid Response Family-Based Candidate Gene Study: Strategy, Gene Selection, and Key Findings.

  20006704   Lead and cognitive function in VDR genotypes in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

  20007432   Polymorphisms in vitamin D metabolism related genes and risk of multiple sclerosis

  20009418   Matrix metalloproteinase-3 and vitamin d receptor genetic polymorphisms, and their interactions with occupational exposure in lumbar disc degeneration.

  20015871   Pharmacogenetic risk factors for altered bone mineral density and body composition in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia

  20023594   Bisphosphonates pathway

  20086113   Genetic variation in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) and the vitamin D-binding protein (GC) and risk for colorectal cancer: results from the Colon Cancer Family Registry

  20145122   Genetic polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor VDR/RXRA influence the likelihood of colon adenoma recurrence

  20196868   Polymorphisms in IL-1beta, vitamin D receptor Fok1, and Toll-like receptor 2 are associated with extrapulmonary tuberculosis

  20357209   Molecular genetic studies of gene identification for osteoporosis: the 2009 update

  20565774   Population based allele frequencies of disease associated polymorphisms in the Personalized Medicine Research Project

  20585998   Variation in the vitamin D receptor gene is not associated with risk of colorectal cancer in the Czech Republic

  20650301   Association of TNF, MBL, and VDR polymorphisms with leprosy phenotypes

  20687218   Vitamin D pathway gene variants and prostate cancer prognosis

  20716226   Clinical and genetic predictors of response to narrowband ultraviolet B for the treatment of chronic plaque psoriasis.

  20961463   Genetic predisposition for femoral neck stress fractures in military conscripts

  21054877   Inflammation gene variants and susceptibility to albuminuria in the U.S. population: analysis in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), 1991-1994

  21076051   Vitamin D receptor genotypes, ultraviolet radiation exposure, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

  21082232   Influence of gene variants related to calcium homeostasis on biochemical parameters of women with polycystic ovary syndrome

  21168462   Vitamin D receptor gene methylation is associated with ethnicity, tuberculosis, and TaqI polymorphism.

  21198767   BsmI, TaqI, ApaI, and FokI polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene and periodontitis: a meta-analysis of 15 studies including 1338 cases and 1302 controls

  21309754   Vitamin D receptor gene as a candidate gene for Parkinson disease

  21358824   Prostate cancer susceptibility Loci identified on chromosome 12 in African Americans.

  21365644   Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms in patients with cutaneous melanoma

  21514219   Genetic variants associated with breast-cancer risk: comprehensive research synopsis, meta-analysis, and epidemiological evidence

  21537388   Genetic risk factors of disc degeneration among 12-14-year-old Danish children: a population study.

  21545713   Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in multiple sclerosis patients in northwest Greece

  21548019   Maternal vitamin D receptor genetic variation contributes to infant birthweight among black mothers.

  21613960   Associations between genetic variants in vitamin D metabolism and asthma characteristics in young African Americans: a pilot study.

  21664963   Vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene SNPs influence VDR expression and modulate protection from multiple sclerosis in HLA-DRB1*15-positive individuals.

  21814771   Coding region analysis of vitamin D receptor gene and its association with active calcium stone disease.

  21818054   Common variation in the vitamin D receptor gene and risk of inflammatory bowel disease in an Irish case-control study

  21828234   Common genetic variants in the vitamin D pathway including genome-wide associated variants are not associated with breast cancer risk among Chinese women

  21918647   Pathway-Targeted Pharmacogenomics of CYP1A2 in Human Liver

  21931507   Population analysis of vitamin D receptor polymorphisms and the role of genetic ancestry in an admixed population

  22008758   SLC11A1 and VDR gene variants and susceptibility to tuberculosis and disease progression in East India

  22022386   Case-control study of vitamin D, dickkopf homolog 1 (DKK1) gene methylation, VDR gene polymorphism and the risk of colon adenoma in African Americans

  22024213   A novel gene-environment interaction involved in endometriosis

  22037866   Genes and the ageing muscle: a review on genetic association studies

  22046258   Genetic associations in the vitamin D receptor and colorectal cancer in African Americans and Caucasians.

  22110781   Vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms and skin cancer: A systematic review.

  22151003   Combined effect of 25-OH vitamin D plasma levels and genetic vitamin D receptor (NR 1I1) variants on fibrosis progression rate in HCV patients.

  22155603   Systems biology-based analysis implicates a novel role for vitamin D metabolism in the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration.

  22170372   Vitamin D receptor and megalin gene polymorphisms and their associations with longitudinal cognitive change in US adults.

  22213340   25-hydroxyvitamin D, vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and severity of Parkinson's disease.

  22219324   Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and HLA DRB1*04 cosegregation in Saudi type 2 diabetes patients.

  22242137   Prognostic significance of vitamin D receptor polymorphisms in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

  22311020   Evaluation of ERĪ± and VDR gene polymorphisms in relation to bone mineral density in Turkish postmenopausal women.

  22422157   Vitamin D receptor gene variability as a factor influencing bone mineral density in pediatric patients.

  22480149   Variants in the vitamin D pathway, serum levels of vitamin D, and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer among African-American women: a case-control study.

  22500139   Host genetic susceptibility to severe dengue infection.

  22522591   Genetic variations in bile acid homeostasis are not overrepresented in alcoholic cirrhosis compared to patients with heavy alcohol abuse and absent liver disease.

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