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SNP information rs7294


Normal allele: CC

Polymorphism responsible for the level of sensitivity to warfarin (vitamin K antagonist).

Polymorphism rs7294 is related to topics like this:

Vitamin k

The biologically active form of vitamin K acts as a co-factor in a reaction crucial for both blood...

Factor 5 blood clotting disorder

Thrombophilia, an increased tendency to form abnormal blood clots that can obstruct blood vessels,...

Research and publications:

  15358623   A polymorphism in the VKORC1 gene is associated with an interindividual variability in the dose-anticoagulant effect of warfarin.

  15883587   Common VKORC1 and GGCX polymorphisms associated with warfarin dose.

  16270629   VKORC1 haplotypes and their impact on the inter-individual and inter-ethnical variability of oral anticoagulation.

  16611750   Polymorphisms in the VKORC1 gene are strongly associated with warfarin dosage requirements in patients receiving anticoagulation.

  16676068   The influence of sequence variations in factor VII, gamma-glutamyl carboxylase and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex genes on warfarin dose requirement.

  17048007   Association of warfarin dose with genes involved in its action and metabolism

  17049586   Genotypes of vitamin K epoxide reductase, gamma-glutamyl carboxylase, and cytochrome P450 2C9 as determinants of daily warfarin dose in Japanese patients.

  18252229   Warfarin pharmacogenetics: CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes predict different sensitivity and resistance frequencies in the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jewish populations.

  18305455   Use of pharmacogenetic and clinical factors to predict the therapeutic dose of warfarin.

  18466099   Influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on warfarin dose, anticoagulation attainment and maintenance among European-Americans and African-Americans.

  18523153   Regulatory polymorphism in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) affects gene expression and warfarin dose requirement.

  18535201   A genome-wide scan for common genetic variants with a large influence on warfarin maintenance dose.

  18698231   Polymorphisms affecting gene transcription and mRNA processing in pharmacogenetic candidate genes: detection through allelic expression imbalance in human target tissues.

  18752379   Warfarin pharmacogenetics.

  18855533   VKORC1 polymorphisms, haplotypes and haplotype groups on warfarin dose among African-Americans and European-Americans.

  19226183   Donor-derived brain tumor following neural stem cell transplantation in an ataxia telangiectasia patient.

  19228618   Estimation of the warfarin dose with clinical and pharmacogenetic data.

  19436136   Association of sequence variations in vitamin K epoxide reductase and gamma-glutamyl carboxylase genes with biochemical measures of vitamin K status.

  19940803   VKORC1 pharmacogenomics summary.

  19955245   Warfarin sensitivity genotyping: a review of the literature and summary of patient experience.

  20018050   Application of sex-specific single-nucleotide polymorphism filters in genome-wide association data.

  20128861   Comparative performance of gene-based warfarin dosing algorithms in a multiethnic population.

  20203262   Warfarin pharmacogenetics: a single VKORC1 polymorphism is predictive of dose across 3 racial groups.

  20376629   VKORC1 -1639G>A and CYP2C9*3 are the major genetic predictors of phenprocoumon dose requirement.

  20653676   CYP4F2 rs2108622: a minor significant genetic factor of warfarin dose in Han Chinese patients with mechanical heart valve replacement.

  20716240   New genetic variant that might improve warfarin dose prediction in African Americans.

  20921971   Mapping genes that predict treatment outcome in admixed populations.

  21044367   An integrative method for scoring candidate genes from association studies: application to warfarin dosing.

  21127708   Genetic variation of VKORC1 and CYP4F2 genes related to warfarin maintenance dose in patients with myocardial infarction.

  21179214   VKORC1 pharmacogenetics and pharmacoproteomics in patients on warfarin anticoagulant therapy: transthyretin precursor as a potential biomarker.

  21179439   VKORC1 common variation and bone mineral density in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

  21270790   The missing association: sequencing-based discovery of novel SNPs in VKORC1 and CYP2C9 that affect warfarin dose in African Americans.

  21320153   Influence of genetic, biological and pharmacological factors on warfarin dose in a Southern Brazilian population of European ancestry.

  21326313   Proposal of pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing algorithm in Korean patients.

  21359226   The genomic ancestry of individuals from different geographical regions of Brazil is more uniform than expected.

  21590310   Evaluation of the effects of VKORC1 polymorphisms and haplotypes, CYP2C9 genotypes, and clinical factors on warfarin response in Sudanese patients.

  21628633   Circulating uncarboxylated matrix gla protein is associated with vitamin K nutritional status, but not coronary artery calcium, in older adults.

  22006096   Genomics of ADME gene expression: mapping expression quantitative trait loci relevant for absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs in human liver.

  22349464   A new warfarin dosing algorithm including VKORC1 3730 G > A polymorphism: comparison with results obtained by other published algorithms.

  22563365   Pharmacogenomic Research in South Africa: Lessons Learned and Future Opportunities in the Rainbow Nation.

  22676192   Retrospective evidence for clinical validity of expanded genetic model in warfarin dose optimization in a South Indian population.

  22676711   Pharmacogenomics of warfarin in populations of African descent.

  22952875   Influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on patient response to warfarin: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

  22992668   Pharmacogenomics knowledge for personalized medicine.

  23016735   Personalized approach of medication by indirect anticoagulants tailored to the patient-Russian context: what are the prospects?

  23133420   Pharmacogenomic Diversity among Brazilians: Influence of Ancestry, Self-Reported Color, and Geographical Origin.

  23208322   Influence of ORM1 polymorphisms on the maintenance stable warfarin dosage.

  23285254   Positive selection in the chromosome 16 VKORC1 genomic region has contributed to the variability of anticoagulant response in humans.

  23300409   Chapter 7: Pharmacogenomics.

  23990957   Warfarin anticoagulant therapy: a Southern Italy pharmacogenetics-based dosing model.

  24019055   Effect of CYP2C9, VKORC1, CYP4F2 and GGCX genetic variants on warfarin maintenance dose and explicating a new pharmacogenetic algorithm in South Indian population.

  24224579   A new algorithm for weekly phenprocoumon dose variation in a southern Brazilian population: role for CYP2C9, CYP3A4/5 and VKORC1 genes polymorphisms.

  24944790   Screening for 392 polymorphisms in 141 pharmacogenes.

  25069476   Clinical and pharmacogenomic implications of genetic variation in a Southern Ethiopian population.

  25084205   Methodological issues in the development of a pharmacogenomic algorithm for warfarin dosing: comparison of two regression approaches.

  25126975   A pharmacogenetics-based warfarin maintenance dosing algorithm from Northern Chinese patients.

  25266489   Genetic polymorphisms of VIP variants in the Tajik ethnic group of northwest China.

  25519826   An acenocoumarol dosing algorithm exploiting clinical and genetic factors in South Indian (Dravidian) population.

  25594941   Warfarin dosage response related pharmacogenetics in Chinese population.

  26091847   Genetic polymorphisms of pharmacogenomic VIP variants in the Uygur population from northwestern China.

  26644206   Effect of gene polymorphims on the warfarin treatment at initial stage.

  26858644   Cross-Comparison of Exome Analysis, Next-Generation Sequencing of Amplicons, and the iPLEX(®) ADME PGx Panel for Pharmacogenomic Profiling.

  26940072   Association of Genetic Polymorphisms in the VKORC1 and CYP2C9 Genes with Warfarin Dosage in a Group of Kuwaiti Individuals.

  27233804   Genetic polymorphisms of pharmacogenomic VIP variants in the Mongol of Northwestern China.

  28281786   Susceptiveness of Vitamin K epOxide Reductase Complex Subunit 1 Gene Polymorphism in Essential Hypertension.

  28472449   Exploring genetic associations with ceRNA regulation in the human genome.

  29337087   Genetic polymorphisms of pharmacogenomic VIP variants in the Yi population from China.

  29469681   Lack of Association Between Type 2 Diabetes and the 3673G / A and 9041G / A Gene Variants of Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex Subunit 1 (VKORC1).

  29652911   Pharmacogenetic landscape of Metabolic Syndrome components drug response in Tunisia and comparison with worldwide populations.

  30486437   Impact of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 Polymorphisms on Warfarin Sensitivity and Responsiveness in Jordanian Cardiovascular Patients during the Initiation Therapy.

  30712247   Interpretation of the effect of CYP2C9, VKORC1 and CYP4F2 variants on warfarin dosing adjustment in Turkey.

  31019283   Secondary actionable findings identified by exome sequencing: expected impact on the organisation of care from the study of 700 consecutive tests.

  31114289   VKORC1 variants as significant predictors of warfarin dose in Emiratis.

  31338002   Association between four microRNA binding site-related polymorphisms and the risk of warfarin-induced bleeding complications.

  31869433   Genetic Factors Influencing Warfarin Dose in Black-African Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

  31973625   Prioritizing rs7294 as a mirSNP contributing to warfarin dosing variability.

  32228310   Functionally Significant Coumarin-Related Variant Alleles and Time to Therapeutic Range in Chilean Cardiovascular Patients.

  32326111   Role of Genetic Variations in the Hepatic Handling of Drugs.

  32327994   A Pharmacogenetically Guided Acenocoumarol Dosing Algorithm for Chilean Patients: A Discovery Cohort Study.

  32380173   Recommendations for Clinical Warfarin Genotyping Allele Selection: A Report of the Association for Molecular Pathology and the College of American Pathologists.

  33519226   Genetic Diversity of Drug-Related Genes in Native Americans of the Brazilian Amazon.

  34559488   Retrospective pharmacogenetic analysis of a pediatric patient under anticoagulant treatment: Clinical case.

  34621706   Comprehensive analysis of important pharmacogenes in Koreans using the DMET™ platform.

  34958284   Warfarin Pharmacogenomics for Precision Medicine in Real-Life Clinical Practice in Southern Africa: Harnessing 73 Variants in 29 Pharmacogenes.

  35089958   Identification of pharmacogenetic variants from large scale next generation sequencing data in the Saudi population.

  35337356   Cross-ethnic analysis of common gene variants in hemostasis show lopsided representation of global populations in genetic databases.

  35757332   Determination of Pleiotropic Effect of Warfarin in VKORC1 and CYP2C9 Genotypes in Patients With Heart Valve Replacement.

  35866816   Impact of VKORC1, CYP2C9, CYP1A2, UGT1A1, and GGCX polymorphisms on warfarin maintenance dose: Exploring a new algorithm in South Chinese patients accept mechanical heart valve replacement.

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