Normal allele: CC
Polymorphism responsible for the level of sensitivity to warfarin (vitamin K antagonist).
Polymorphism rs7294 is related to topics like this:
Research and publications:
15883587 Common VKORC1 and GGCX polymorphisms associated with warfarin dose.
17048007 Association of warfarin dose with genes involved in its action and metabolism
18305455 Use of pharmacogenetic and clinical factors to predict the therapeutic dose of warfarin.
18535201 A genome-wide scan for common genetic variants with a large influence on warfarin maintenance dose.
18752379 Warfarin pharmacogenetics.
19228618 Estimation of the warfarin dose with clinical and pharmacogenetic data.
19940803 VKORC1 pharmacogenomics summary.
19955245 Warfarin sensitivity genotyping: a review of the literature and summary of patient experience.
20018050 Application of sex-specific single-nucleotide polymorphism filters in genome-wide association data.
20128861 Comparative performance of gene-based warfarin dosing algorithms in a multiethnic population.
20376629 VKORC1 -1639G>A and CYP2C9*3 are the major genetic predictors of phenprocoumon dose requirement.
20716240 New genetic variant that might improve warfarin dose prediction in African Americans.
20921971 Mapping genes that predict treatment outcome in admixed populations.
21326313 Proposal of pharmacogenetics-based warfarin dosing algorithm in Korean patients.
22676711 Pharmacogenomics of warfarin in populations of African descent.
22992668 Pharmacogenomics knowledge for personalized medicine.
23208322 Influence of ORM1 polymorphisms on the maintenance stable warfarin dosage.
23300409 Chapter 7: Pharmacogenomics.
23990957 Warfarin anticoagulant therapy: a Southern Italy pharmacogenetics-based dosing model.
24944790 Screening for 392 polymorphisms in 141 pharmacogenes.
25069476 Clinical and pharmacogenomic implications of genetic variation in a Southern Ethiopian population.
25126975 A pharmacogenetics-based warfarin maintenance dosing algorithm from Northern Chinese patients.
25266489 Genetic polymorphisms of VIP variants in the Tajik ethnic group of northwest China.
25594941 Warfarin dosage response related pharmacogenetics in Chinese population.
26644206 Effect of gene polymorphims on the warfarin treatment at initial stage.
27233804 Genetic polymorphisms of pharmacogenomic VIP variants in the Mongol of Northwestern China.
28472449 Exploring genetic associations with ceRNA regulation in the human genome.
29337087 Genetic polymorphisms of pharmacogenomic VIP variants in the Yi population from China.
31114289 VKORC1 variants as significant predictors of warfarin dose in Emiratis.
31973625 Prioritizing rs7294 as a mirSNP contributing to warfarin dosing variability.
32326111 Role of Genetic Variations in the Hepatic Handling of Drugs.
33519226 Genetic Diversity of Drug-Related Genes in Native Americans of the Brazilian Amazon.
34621706 Comprehensive analysis of important pharmacogenes in Koreans using the DMET™ platform.