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SNP information rs2231142


Normal allele: GG

Polymorphism rs2231142 is related to topics like this:

Genetic haemochromatosis

Hereditary hemochromatosis is a genetic condition associated with severe liver disease and various...

Research and publications:

  16702730   Genetic variation and haplotype structure of the ABC transporter gene ABCG2 in a Japanese population.

  16784736   Role of BCRP 421C>A polymorphism on rosuvastatin pharmacokinetics in healthy Chinese males.

  18547414   Genotyping panel for assessing response to cancer chemotherapy

  18834626   Association of three genetic loci with uric acid concentration and risk of gout: a genome-wide association study.

  19474294   Potential etiologic and functional implications of genome-wide association loci for human diseases and traits

  19474787   ABCG2 polymorphism markedly affects the pharmacokinetics of atorvastatin and rosuvastatin.

  19503597   Meta-analysis of 28,141 individuals identifies common variants within five new loci that influence uric acid concentrations.

  19506252   Identification of a urate transporter, ABCG2, with a common functional polymorphism causing gout.

  19842935   Different effects of the ABCG2 c.421C>A SNP on the pharmacokinetics of fluvastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin.

  19890391   Common polymorphisms influencing serum uric acid levels contribute to susceptibility to gout, but not to coronary artery disease.

  19924384   Pharmacogenetics of telatinib, a VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 tyrosine kinase inhibitor, used in patients with solid tumors.

  19930591   Polymorphisms in the xenobiotic transporter Multidrug Resistance 1 (MDR1) and interaction with meat intake in relation to risk of colorectal cancer in a Danish prospective case-cohort study.

  20053405   Sex and age interaction with genetic association of atherogenic uric acid concentrations.

  20130569   ABCG2 polymorphism is associated with the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol response to rosuvastatin.

  20162742   Predictive value of 8 genetic loci for serum uric acid concentration.

  20162743   Common variants in SLC17A3 gene affect intra-personal variation in serum uric acid levels in longitudinal time series.

  20207952   Hepatic metabolism and transporter gene variants enhance response to rosuvastatin in patients with acute myocardial infarction: the GEOSTAT-1 Study.

  20368174   Common defects of ABCG2, a high-capacity urate exporter, cause gout: a function-based genetic analysis in a Japanese population.

  20389299   Pazopanib-induced hyperbilirubinemia is associated with the UGT1A1 polymorphism of Gilbert's syndrome.

  20421215   The rs2231142 variant of the ABCG2 gene is associated with uric acid levels and gout among Japanese people.

  20470424   A three-stage approach for genome-wide association studies with family data for quantitative traits.

  20583287   Analyze multivariate phenotypes in genetic association studies by combining univariate association tests.

  20602618   Irinotecan pharmacogenomics.

  20679960   Pharmacogenetic analysis of lipid responses to rosuvastatin in Chinese patients.

  20714133   Association of four genetic loci with uric acid levels and reduced renal function: the J-SHIPP Suita study.

  20837191   Gout: epitome of painful arthritis.

  20847277   Genotyping of DNA samples isolated from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues using preamplification.

  20858603   A strong role for the ABCG2 gene in susceptibility to gout in New Zealand Pacific Island and Caucasian, but not Māori, case and control sample sets.

  20884846   Multiple genetic loci influence serum urate levels and their relationship with gout and cardiovascular disease risk factors.

  20959405   The IFNG (IFN-gamma) genotype predicts cytogenetic and molecular response to imatinib therapy in chronic myeloid leukemia.

  21048526   Doxorubicin pathways: pharmacodynamics and adverse effects.

  21072184   Flavopiridol pharmacogenetics: clinical and functional evidence for the role of SLCO1B1/OATP1B1 in flavopiridol disposition.

  21122163   The pharmacogenetics of imanitib.

  21175590   ABCG family of membrane transporters: You don't have to be big to be powerful.

  21204206   Evaluation of 64 candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms as risk factors for neural tube defects in a large Irish study population

  21219404   Influence of polymorphisms within the methotrexate pathway genes on the toxicity and efficacy of methotrexate in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

  21311724   Genetic polymorphisms of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins, overall survival and drug toxicity in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

  21658257   The SLC2A9 nonsynonymous Arg265His variant and gout: evidence for a population-specific effect on severity.

  21768215   Genome-wide association study for serum urate concentrations and gout among African Americans identifies genomic risk loci and a novel URAT1 loss-of-function allele.

  21918980   A comprehensive study of polymorphisms in the ABCB1, ABCC2, ABCG2, NR1I2 genes and lymphoma risk.

  22015057   Single nucleotide polymorphism associations with response and toxic effects in patients with advanced renal-cell carcinoma treated with first-line sunitinib: a multicentre, observational, prospective study.

  22112610   Common variants in ABCB1, ABCC2 and ABCG2 genes and clinical outcomes among women with advanced stage ovarian cancer treated with platinum and taxane-based chemotherapy: a Gynecologic Oncology Group study.

  22229870   Genome-wide association of serum uric acid concentration: replication of sequence variants in an island population of the Adriatic coast of Croatia.

  22784880   Polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 2C19 enzyme and cessation of leflunomide in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

  22912756   Early sorafenib-induced toxicity is associated with drug exposure and UGTIA9 genetic polymorphism in patients with solid tumors: a preliminary study.

  22992668   Pharmacogenomics knowledge for personalized medicine.

  23056078   Gene polymorphisms of ABC transporters are associated with clinical outcomes in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

  23100282   Impact of common genetic variation on response to simvastatin therapy among 18 705 participants in the Heart Protection Study.

  23189085   Impact of genetic polymorphisms on chemotherapy toxicity in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

  23272163   SLC22A1-ABCB1 haplotype profiles predict imatinib pharmacokinetics in Asian patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.

  23280364   Interindividual variability in the hepatic expression of the human breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2): effect of age, sex, and genotype.

  23284720   Using family-based imputation in genome-wide association studies with large complex pedigrees: the Framingham Heart Study.

  23372834   ABCB1 variation and treatment response in AIDS patients: initial results of the Henan cohort.

  23438071   The JR blood group system: identification of alleles that alter expression.

  23443032   Fetal polymorphisms at the ABCB1-transporter gene locus are associated with susceptibility to non-syndromic oral cleft malformations.

  23633119   Multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2/ABCC2) haplotypes significantly affect the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in kidney transplant recipients.

  23712608   Genetic variation associated with serum uric acid concentrations and risk of Parkinson's disease.

  23778707   International Transporter Consortium commentary on clinically important transporter polymorphisms.

  23827224   Association between ABCG2 C421A polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease.

  23876492   Clinical and pharmacogenetic predictors of circulating atorvastatin and rosuvastatin concentrations in routine clinical care.

  23930675   Effects of polymorphisms in ABCG2, SLCO1B1, SLC10A1 and CYP2C9/19 on plasma concentrations of rosuvastatin and lipid response in Chinese patients.

  23940561   Polymorphism of ORM1 is associated with the pharmacokinetics of telmisartan.

  24123600   High imatinib dose overcomes insufficient response associated with ABCG2 haplotype in chronic myelogenous leukemia patients.

  24270849   Systematic comparison of phenome-wide association study of electronic medical record data and genome-wide association study data.

  24380367   Epigenetic modulation of the drug resistance genes MGMT, ABCB1 and ABCG2 in glioblastoma multiforme.

  24499401   The ABCG2 gene Q141K polymorphism contributes to an increased risk of gout: a meta-analysis of 2185 cases.

  24513273   A genome-wide association study identifies common variants influencing serum uric acid concentrations in a Chinese population.

  24532835   Joint effects of alcohol consumption and ABCG2 Q141K on chronic tophaceous gout risk.

  24598718   Identification of the effect of multiple polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of simvastatin and simvastatin acid using a population-modeling approach.

  24637121   Serum uric acid and risk of dementia in Parkinson's disease.

  24777469   The association between the polymorphism rs2231142 in the ABCG2 gene and gout risk: a meta-analysis.

  24827988   Metabolic syndrome, alcohol consumption and genetic factors are associated with serum uric acid concentration.

  24883056   ATP-Binding Cassette Genes Genotype and Expression: A Potential Association with Pancreatic Cancer Development and Chemoresistance?

  24889212   Systematic review: interactions between aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and polymorphisms in relation to colorectal cancer.

  24909419   A 30-years review on pharmacokinetics of antibiotics: is the right time for pharmacogenetics?

  24944790   Screening for 392 polymorphisms in 141 pharmacogenes.

  24991206   Polymorphisms in folate pathway and pemetrexed treatment outcome in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.

  25110414   Pharmacogenetics research on chemotherapy resistance in colorectal cancer over the last 20 years.

  25128519   Tubular urate transporter gene polymorphisms differentiate patients with gout who have normal and decreased urinary uric acid excretion.

  25132748   FOLFOX/FOLFIRI pharmacogenetics: the call for a personalized approach in colorectal cancer therapy.

  25283508   Serum uric acid levels are associated with polymorphisms in the SLC2A9, SF1, and GCKR genes in a Chinese population.

  25340731   Genetic variation in platinating agent and taxane pathway genes as predictors of outcome and toxicity in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.

  25491747   Interactions between meat intake and genetic variation in relation to colorectal cancer.

  25515134   Sunitinib-induced severe toxicities in a Japanese patient with the ABCG2 421 AA genotype.

  25591549   Genetic polymorphisms and gene-dosage effect in ovarian cancer risk and response to paclitaxel/cisplatin chemotherapy.

  25617895   Common variants related to serum uric acid concentrations are associated with glucose metabolism and insulin secretion in a Chinese population.

  25630984   Rosuvastatin pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics in Caucasian and Asian subjects residing in the United States.

  25646370   Genome-wide association study of clinically defined gout identifies multiple risk loci and its association with clinical subtypes.

  25676789   Genome-wide association study identifies ABCG2 (BCRP) as an allopurinol transporter and a determinant of drug response.

  25745368   Prediction of methotrexate intolerance in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a prospective, observational cohort study.

  25788527   Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Events: A Mendelian Randomization Study.

  25881102   Genetic variability in drug transport, metabolism or DNA repair affecting toxicity of chemotherapy in ovarian cancer.

  25980667   Pharmacogenetics of treatment response in psoriatic arthritis.

  26001650   A case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma and bile duct carcinoma treated with a combination of sunitinib and gemcitabine.

  26213157   Polymorphisms of ABCG2, ABCB1 and HNF4α are associated with Lamotrigine trough concentrations in epilepsy patients.

  26367500   Impact of CYP2D6, CYP3A5, CYP2C19, CYP2A6, SLCO1B1, ABCB1, and ABCG2 gene polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of simvastatin and simvastatin acid.

  26417870   Potential causal associations between vitamin D and uric acid: Bidirectional mediation analysis.

  26444257   Genetic diversity of variants involved in drug response and metabolism in Sri Lankan populations: implications for clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics.

  26446360   Mendelian randomization studies of biomarkers and type 2 diabetes.

  26744986   Mixed effects of OATP1B1, BCRP and NTCP polymorphisms on the population pharmacokinetics of pravastatin in healthy volunteers.

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