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SNP information rs12980275


Normal allele: GG

IL28B polymorphism associated with response to therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C on the outcome of dual combination therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus infection. But also associated with spontaneous disappearance of HCV infection.

Polymorphism rs12980275 is related to topics like this:

Hepatitis genetic

Genetic factors can play an important role in treatment response and disease progression in chronic...

Research and publications:

  19749757   Genome-wide association of IL28B with response to pegylated interferon-alpha and ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C

  20708617   Variants in IL28B in liver recipients and donors correlate with response to peg-interferon and ribavirin therapy for recurrent hepatitis C

  20729732   Host genetic basis for hepatitis C virus clearance: a role for blood collection centers

  20803561   Potential role for interleukin-28B genotype in treatment decision-making in recent hepatitis C virus infection

  20950615   IL28B and the control of hepatitis C virus infection

  21112657   Importance of IL28B gene polymorphisms in hepatitis C virus genotype 2 and 3 infected patients

  21112660   Predictive value of the IL28B polymorphism on the effect of interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients with genotypes 2a and 2b

  21147189   IL28B inhibits hepatitis C virus replication through the JAK-STAT pathway

  21274371   Peginterferon and ribavirin treatment for hepatitis C virus infection

  21303914   Interferon lambdas: the next cytokine storm

  21345258   Prospects for personalizing antiviral therapy for hepatitis C virus with pharmacogenetics

  21346780   IL28B genetic variations are associated with high sustained virological response (SVR) of interferon-α plus ribavirin therapy in Taiwanese chronic HCV infection

  21354446   IL28B polymorphisms predict reduction of HCV RNA from the first day of therapy in chronic hepatitis C

  21390311   Response prediction in chronic hepatitis C by assessment of IP-10 and IL28B-related single nucleotide polymorphisms

  21443535   IL28B polymorphisms, IP-10 and viral load predict virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C.

  21479134   IL28B SNP rs12979860 is a critical predictor for on-treatment and sustained virologic response in patients with hepatitis C virus genotype-1 infection

  21875636   Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes in cytokine and cytokine receptor genes and immunity to measles vaccination.

  21884576   Identification of improved IL28B SNPs and haplotypes for prediction of drug response in treatment of hepatitis C using massively parallel sequencing in a cross-sectional European cohort

  21931540   IL28B, HLA-C, and KIR variants additively predict response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C virus infection in a European Cohort: a cross-sectional study

  21987611   IL28B polymorphisms associated with therapy response in Chilean chronic hepatitis C patients

  22003405   IL28B alleles exert an additive dose effect when applied to HCV-HIV coinfected persons undergoing peginterferon and ribavirin therapy

  22087138   Single nucleotide polymorphisms of the IL28B and sustained virologic response of patients with chronic hepatitis C to PEG-interferon/ribavirin therapy: A meta-analysis: Meta-analysis of IL28B

  22108195   Polymorphisms near IL28B and serologic response to peginterferon in HBeAg-positive patients with chronic hepatitis B.

  22118055   Single and combined IL28B, ITPA and SLC28A3 host genetic markers modulating response to anti-hepatitis C therapy

  22234924   Combined effects of different interleukin-28B gene variants on the outcome of dual combination therapy in chronic hepatitis C virus type 1 infection

  22253715   Impact of IL28B-related single nucleotide polymorphisms on liver histopathology in chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 and 3

  22253847   Sequence analysis of the IL28A/IL28B inverted gene duplication that contains polymorphisms associated with treatment response in hepatitis C patients

  22310928   Genetic variation in IL28B is associated with the development of hepatitis B-related hepatocellular carcinoma

  22329371   IL28B genetic variants and gender are associated with spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus infection

  22368681   The Correlation of Il28B Genotype With Sustained Virologic Response In Romanian patients With Chronic Hepatitis C

  22497812   Interleukin 28B polymorphisms are the only common genetic variants associated with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in genotype-1 chronic hepatitis C and determine the association between LDL-C and treatment response.

  22558263   IFN-λ3 inhibits HIV infection of macrophages through the JAK-STAT pathway.

  22649509   IL28B genetic variation is associated with spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus, treatment response, serum IL-28B levels in Chinese population.

  22719902   Analysis of IL28B variants in an Egyptian population defines the 20 kilobases minimal region involved in spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus.

  22754568   Glances in Immunology of HIV and HCV Infection.

  22904616   New developments in the management of hepatitis C virus infection: focus on boceprevir.

  22966241   The impact of interferon lambda 3 gene polymorphism on natural course and treatment of hepatitis C.

  23103287   IL28B polymorphisms are associated with severity of liver disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients coinfected with hepatitis C virus.

  23135173   Analysis of IL28B alleles with virologic response patterns and plasma cytokine levels in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients.

  23173032   None of the six SNPs of IL28B could predict treatment responses in genotype 2 chronic HCV infected patients by propensity score matching analysis.

  23227209   Association analysis between SNPs in IL-28B gene and the progress of hepatitis B infection in Han Chinese.

  23259930   Lack of evidence to support the association of a single IL28B genotype SNP rs12979860 with the HTLV-1 clinical outcomes and proviral load.

  23268841   Pharmacogenomics of hepatitis C infections: personalizing therapy.

  23314745   Impact of IL-28B polymorphisms on pegylated interferon plus ribavirin treatment response in children and adolescents infected with HCV genotypes 1 and 4.

  23565619   IL28RA polymorphism is associated with early hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment failure in human immunodeficiency virus-/HCV-coinfected patients.

  23831131   The influence of single and combined IL28B polymorphisms on response to treatment of chronic hepatitis C.

  23978349   Many patients with interleukin 28B genotypes associated with response to therapy are ineligible for treatment because of comorbidities.

  23978482   Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms in thyroid hormone transporter genes (MCT8, MCT10 and OATP1C1) and circulating thyroid hormones.

  24118788   Genetic variation in interleukin 28B and correlation with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Saudi Arabian patients.

  24144988   Evaluation of the relationship between IL28B, IL10RB and IL28RA single-nucleotide polymorphisms and susceptibility to hepatitis C virus in Chinese Han population.

  24308755   The novel ss469415590 variant predicts virological response to therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus type 1 infection.

  24316030   Role of IL28-B polymorphisms in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B HBeAg-negative patients with peginterferon.

  24438678   Relationship between polymorphisms near the IL28B gene and spontaneous HBsAg seroclearance: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

  24517415   Association of IL28B polymorphisms with peginterferon treatment response in Chinese Han patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B.

  24580757   European mitochondrial haplogroups are not associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment response in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients.

  24642705   IL-28B polymorphisms correlated with treatment response in HCV-4 mono-infected patients: a meta-analysis.

  24654629   Review article: genetic factors that modify the outcome of viral hepatitis.

  24840315   Interleukin-28 gene polymorphisms may contribute to HBsAg persistence and the development of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B.

  24924923   The relationship between IL-28B polymorphisms and the response to peginterferon alfa-2a monotherapy in anti-HBe-positive patients with chronic HBV infection.

  24944790   Screening for 392 polymorphisms in 141 pharmacogenes.

  24976707   Human genes involved in hepatitis B virus infection.

  24999753   Interleukin 28B polymorphisms and therapy response in Egyptian hepatitis C genotype-4 patients.

  25032184   No association between the IL28B SNP and response to peginterferon plus ribavirin combination treatment in Korean chronic hepatitis C patients.

  25071317   Polymorphisms in the IFNL3/IL28B gene and hepatitis C: from adults to children.

  25072612   PPARγ2 Pro12Ala polymorphism is associated with sustained virological response in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients under HCV therapy.

  25652367   IL28B rs12980275 polymorphism shows association with response to treatment in Pakistani patients with chronic hepatitis C.

  25663241   Genetic Variants in Interleukin-28B Are Associated with Diabetes and Diabetes-Related Complications in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection.

  25769643   IL28B rs12980275 variant as a predictor of sustained virologic response to pegylated-interferon and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

  25837166   IL28B is associated with outcomes of chronic HBV infection.

  25852288   Interferon-λ-related genes and therapeutic response in Chinese hepatitis C patients.

  25970604   IFN-λ gene polymorphisms as predictive factors in chronic hepatitis C treatment-naive patients without access to protease inhibitors.

  26115445   Association of IFNL3 and IFNL4 polymorphisms with liver-related mortality in a multiracial cohort of HIV/HCV-coinfected women.

  26156685   Single nucleotide polymorphisms near IL28B gene and response to treatment of chronic hepatitis C in hemodialysis patients.

  26280154   Polymorphisms at IL28B gene as predictors of viral relapse in genotype 4 Egyptian hepatitis C patients.

  26499461   Short Communication: CXCL12 rs1029153 Polymorphism Is Associated with the Sustained Virological Response in HIV/Hepatitis C Virus-Coinfected Patients on Hepatitis C Virus Therapy.

  26836972   IL15 polymorphism is associated with advanced fibrosis, inflammation-related biomarkers and virological response in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus coinfection.

  26986131   Human Cytokine Genetic Variants Associated With HBsAg Reverse Seroconversion in Rituximab-Treated Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients.

  27035616   Interferon lambda and hepatitis C virus core protein polymorphisms associated with liver cancer.

  27047769   Association of Overt Diabetes Mellitus with the Non-CC but not the CC Genotype of Interleukin-28B in Hepatitis C Virus Infected Patients.

  27226800   The Correlation Between Interferon Lambda 3 Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Hepatitis B Virus Infection.

  27461217   A multifaceted computational report on the variants effect on KIR2DL3 and IFNL3 candidate gene in HCV clearance.

  27498543   Can IFNL3 polymorphisms predict response to interferon/ribavirin treatment in hepatitis C patients with genotype 3?

  27590274   Relationship of TRIM5 and TRIM22 polymorphisms with liver disease and HCV clearance after antiviral therapy in HIV/HCV coinfected patients.

  27656234   The Role of Interferon Lambda 3 Genetic Polymorphisms in Response to Interferon Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients: An Updated Meta-Analysis.

  27660680   Predictive potential of IL-28B genetic testing for interferon based hepatitis C virus therapy in Pakistan: Current scenario and future perspective.

  27733412   Hepatitis B virus infection in Chinese patients with hepatitis C virus infection: prevalence, clinical characteristics, viral interactions and host genotypes: a nationwide cross-sectional study.

  27895405   Impact of IL28B and OAS gene family polymorphisms on interferon treatment response in Caucasian children chronically infected with hepatitis B virus.

  27986689   HLA-B*57 and IFNL4-related polymorphisms are associated with protection against HIV-1 disease progression in controllers.

  28253210   The association of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with genetic polymorphisms: a multicenter study.

  28335783   SVR Rates of HCV-infected population under PEG-IFN-α/R treatment in Northwest China.

  28638221   Prevalence of IFNL3 rs4803217 single nucleotide polymorphism and clinical course of chronic hepatitis C.

  28703131   EGFR rs11506105 and IFNL3 SNPs but not rs8099917 are strongly associated with treatment responses in Iranian patients with chronic hepatitis C.

  28739427   The impact of genetic variation in IL28B, IFNL4 and HLA genes on treatment responses against chronic hepatitis C virus infection.

  28834572   Multiple genetic variants associated with posttransplantation diabetes mellitus in Chinese Han populations.

  29095252   Association of interleukin-28B polymorphisms with platelet count and liver function recovery after liver transplant.

  29264884   Distribution of polymorphisms rs12979860, rs8099917 and rs12980275 IL28B in patients with chronic hepatitis C.

  29271328   Influence of IL28B and MxA gene polymorphisms on HCV clearance in Han Chinese population.

  29302390   Association between genetic polymorphisms of the IL28B gene and leukomonocyte in Chinese hepatitis B virus-infected individuals.

  29369421   Genetic variation in IL28B (IFNL3) and response to interferon-alpha treatment in myeloproliferative neoplasms.

  29866105   Polymorphisms in the Th17 cell-related RORC gene are associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV in Chinese women.

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