Normal allele: AA
KRAS-LCS6 polymorphism (rs61764370) is associated with different types of tumours - colorectal cancer, breast cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and brain tumours.
Polymorphism rs61764370 is related to topics like this:
Research and publications:
19834118 MicroRNAs: tools for cancer diagnostics
20495573 Genetic variation in microRNA networks: the implications for cancer research
20647319 A KRAS-variant in ovarian cancer acts as a genetic marker of cancer risk.
20843204 MicroRNA binding site polymorphisms as biomarkers of cancer risk.
21692980 Genetic polymorphisms and microRNAs: new direction in molecular epidemiology of solid cancer
21807336 Association between KRAS rs61764370 and triple-negative breast cancer--a false positive?
22003074 KRAS rs61764370 in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer-Letter.
22082760 MicroRNAs in mutagenesis, genomic instability, and DNA repair
23052130 A LIN28B polymorphism predicts for colon cancer survival.
23586049 The role of microRNAs in cancer susceptibility.
23614619 SNPs in microRNA binding sites as prognostic and predictive cancer biomarkers.
24764666 MicroRNAs in colorectal cancer as markers and targets: Recent advances.
25114582 MicroRNA binding site polymorphisms as biomarkers in cancer management and research.
25940428 No clinical utility of KRAS variant rs61764370 for ovarian or breast cancer.
27834829 MiRNAs and miRNA Polymorphisms Modify Drug Response.
28610418 KRAS Gene Polymorphisms and their Impact on Breast Cancer Risk in an Iranian Population.