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SNP information rs4795067


Normal allele: AA

Polymorphism rs4795067 is related to topics like this:

Psoriasis is a genetic disease

It is beneficial to comprehend the genetic impact on the molecular mechanisms and pathways that...

Research and publications:

  18663495   Nitric oxide synthase genes and their interaction with environmental factors in Parkinson's disease.

  19423521   Genetic polymorphisms in nitric oxide synthase genes modify the relationship between vegetable and fruit intake and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

  19505917   Lead exposure, polymorphisms in genes related to oxidative stress, and risk of adult brain tumors.

  19575238   NOS2A, TLR4, and IFNGR1 interactions influence pulmonary tuberculosis susceptibility in African-Americans.

  19808960   Apolipoprotein E/C1 locus variants modify renal cell carcinoma risk.

  20374233   Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the NOS2A gene and interaction with smoking in age-related macular degeneration.

  20953189   Genome-wide association analysis identifies three psoriasis susceptibility loci.

  22479649   Heterogeneity of inflammatory and cytokine networks in chronic plaque psoriasis.

  22590587   Associations between nitric oxide synthase genes and exhaled NO-related phenotypes according to asthma status.

  23886662   A genome-wide association study of atopic dermatitis identifies loci with overlapping effects on asthma and psoriasis.

  24175098   The role of 39 psoriasis risk variants on age of psoriasis onset.

  24917882   Genetic-based prediction of disease traits: prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.

  25651891   Dense genotyping of immune-related susceptibility loci reveals new insights into the genetics of psoriatic arthritis.

  25655172   Filter-free exhaustive odds ratio-based genome-wide interaction approach pinpoints evidence for interaction in the HLA region in psoriasis.

  25663087   The (CCTTT) n pentanucleotide repeat polymorphism in the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene promoter and the risk of psoriasis in Taiwanese.

  25923216   PTPN22 is associated with susceptibility to psoriatic arthritis but not psoriasis: evidence for a further PsA-specific risk locus.

  27073425   Candidate gene polymorphisms and risk of psoriasis: A pilot study.

  27114698   Association of NOS3 gene polymorphism with Behçet's disease but not with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome in Han Chinese.

  27810495   Psoriasis risk SNPs and their association with HIV-1 control.

  27965977   Lack of Association between Genetic Polymorphisms of JAK-STAT Signaling Pathway Genes and Acute Anterior Uveitis in Han Chinese.

  28617847   The association between 38 previously reported polymorphisms and psoriasis in a Polish population: High predicative accuracy of a genetic risk score combining 16 loci.

  32779262   A framework for pathway knowledge driven prioritization in genome-wide association studies.

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