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SNP information rs3865188


Normal allele: AA

Polymorphism rs3865188 is related to topics like this:

Obesity genes

Although physical inactivity and consuming energy-dense foods are commonly identified as the main...

Research and publications:

  20876611   Genome-wide association study for adiponectin levels in Filipino women identifies CDH13 and a novel uncommon haplotype at KNG1-ADIPOQ.

  20887962   Adiponectin concentrations: a genome-wide association study.

  21617638   Effects of smoking and obesity on the association between CDH13 (rs3865188) and adiponectin among Korean men: the KARE study.

  21700879   Novel locus FER is associated with serum HMW adiponectin levels.

  21771975   A genome-wide association study reveals a quantitative trait locus of adiponectin on CDH13 that predicts cardiometabolic outcomes.

  23101478   Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) involved in insulin resistance, weight regulation, lipid metabolism and inflammation in relation to metabolic syndrome: an epidemiological study.

  24142632   Association between CDH13 variants and cardiometabolic and vascular phenotypes in a Korean population.

  25127211   Modification of the association between PM10 and lung function decline by cadherin 13 polymorphisms in the SAPALDIA cohort: a genome-wide interaction analysis.

  26114387   Gene-Diet Interaction between SIRT6 and Soybean Intake for Different Levels of Pulse Wave Velocity.

  26362652   Gene-gene interaction analysis identifies a new genetic risk factor for colorectal cancer.

  26423718   CDH13 Polymorphisms are Associated with Adiponectin Levels and Metabolic Syndrome Traits Independently of Visceral Fat Mass.

  26446643   The Impact of CDH13 Polymorphism and Statin Administration on TG/HDL Ratio in Cardiovascular Patients.

  28499019   T-cadherin gene variants are associated with nephropathy in subjects with type 1 diabetes.

  28562572   The association of six single nucleotide polymorphisms and their haplotypes in CDH13 with T2DM in a Han Chinese population.

  29416663   Genetic variation in CDH13 gene was associated with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A population-based case-control study.

  29419874   [Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms of CDH13 gene with metabolic syndrome among ethnic Han Chinese].

  31231424   Genetic and Epigenetic Studies in Diabetic Kidney Disease.

  33038280   Circulating adipokine concentrations and risk of five obesity-related cancers: A Mendelian randomization study.

Psoriasis is a genetic disease

It is beneficial to comprehend the genetic impact on the molecular mechanisms and pathways that...

BRCA gene

BRCA stands for "BReast CAncer gene" and refers to two distinct genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, which have...

DNA diet

The DNA Diet report is tailored to assist with weight management by offering personalized diet and...

