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SNP information rs2395029


Normal allele: TT

The HCP5 single nucleotide polymorphism is associated with slow progression of AIDS in women infected with HIV-1.

Polymorphism rs2395029 is related to topics like this:

Genetic hiv

HIV, a virus that causes immunodeficiency in humans, belongs to the Lentivirus genus in the...

Research and publications:

  17641165   A whole-genome association study of major determinants for host control of HIV-1.

  18256235   WGAViewer: software for genomic annotation of whole genome association studies.

  18369459   A genome-wide association study of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis identifies new disease loci.

  18684101   The HCP5 single-nucleotide polymorphism: a simple screening tool for prediction of hypersensitivity reaction to abacavir.

  18982067   HIV-1 disease-influencing effects associated with ZNRD1, HCP5 and HLA-C alleles are attributable mainly to either HLA-A10 or HLA-B*57 alleles.

  19050382   Association of HLA-C and HCP5 gene regions with the clinical course of HIV-1 infection.

  19107206   Distinct genetic loci control plasma HIV-RNA and cellular HIV-DNA levels in HIV-1 infection: the ANRS Genome Wide Association 01 study.

  19115949   Genomewide association study of an AIDS-nonprogression cohort emphasizes the role played by HLA genes (ANRS Genomewide Association Study 02).

  19182814   New insights into the pathogenesis and genetics of psoriatic arthritis.

  19276793   Host genetics and HIV-1 viral load set-point in African-Americans.

  19474294   Potential etiologic and functional implications of genome-wide association loci for human diseases and traits

  19483685   HLA-B*5701 genotype is a major determinant of drug-induced liver injury due to flucloxacillin.

  19679225   X chromosomal variation is associated with slow progression to AIDS in HIV-1-infected women.

  19693088   The HLA-B/-C haplotype block contains major determinants for host control of HIV.

  19935381   A polymorphism in the HCP5 gene associated with HLA-B*5701 does not restrict HIV-1 in vitro.

  20041166   Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans

  20149939   Host genes associated with HIV/AIDS: advances in gene discovery.

  20205591   Host determinants of HIV-1 control in African Americans.

  20394749   Risk factors for idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury.

  20487506   A whole genome association study of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Malawi.

  20534626   Use of the HCP5 single nucleotide polymorphism to predict hypersensitivity reactions to abacavir: correlation with HLA-B*5701.

  20552027   Host and viral genetic correlates of clinical definitions of HIV-1 disease progression.

  20704485   Multiple-cohort genetic association study reveals CXCR6 as a new chemokine receptor involved in long-term nonprogression to AIDS.

  20876667   Genome-wide significant associations for variants with minor allele frequency of 5% or less--an overview: A HuGE review.

  20976252   Host genetics and HIV-1: the final phase?

  21051598   The major genetic determinants of HIV-1 control affect HLA class I peptide presentation.

  21107268   Screening low-frequency SNPS from genome-wide association study reveals a new risk allele for progression to AIDS.

  21221856   The search for host genetic factors of HIV/AIDS pathogenesis in the post-genome era: progress to date and new avenues for discovery.

  21253569   Genome-wide association study SNPs in the human genome diversity project populations: does selection affect unlinked SNPs with shared trait associations?

  21296743   Exploring the potential relevance of human-specific genes to complex disease.

  21502085   Genome-wide association study implicates PARD3B-based AIDS restriction.

  21514285   Rapid HCP5 single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping: a simple allele-specific PCR method for prediction of hypersensitivity reaction to Abacavir.

  21689440   Natural selection among Eurasians at genomic regions associated with HIV-1 control.

  21811574   Genome-wide association scan in HIV-1-infected individuals identifying variants influencing disease course.

  21854194   Distribution of polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 2B6, histocompatibility complex P5, chemokine coreceptor 5, and interleukin 28B genes in inhabitants from the central area of Argentina

  21860345   Rising HIV-1 viral load set point at a population level coincides with a fading impact of host genetic factors on HIV-1 control.

  22128242   The role of toll-like receptor variants in acute anterior uveitis.

  22310811   Genetic correlates influencing immunopathogenesis of HIV infection.

  22362864   Multicohort genomewide association study reveals a new signal of protection against HIV-1 acquisition.

  22384103   Low-replicating viruses and strong anti-viral immune response associated with prolonged disease control in a superinfected HIV-1 LTNP elite controller.

  22437317   Protective effect of human endogenous retrovirus K dUTPase variants on psoriasis susceptibility.

  22474614   Host genes important to HIV replication and evolution.

  22577363   Psoriasis patients are enriched for genetic variants that protect against HIV-1 disease.

  22920050   Genome-wide association studies on HIV susceptibility, pathogenesis and pharmacogenomics.

  22934000   Current State and Future Prospects of Direct-to-Consumer Pharmacogenetics.

  22938532   Sequencing and analysis of a South Asian-Indian personal genome.

  23300409   Chapter 7: Pharmacogenomics.

  23403273   Novel genetic association of TNF-α-238 and PDCD1-7209 polymorphisms with long-term non-progressive HIV-1 infection.

  23772624   Immunogenetics of HIV disease.

  24270849   Systematic comparison of phenome-wide association study of electronic medical record data and genome-wide association study data.

  24842830   Regulatory variation in HIV-1 dependency factor ZNRD1 associates with host resistance to HIV-1 acquisition.

  24861233   Development of multiplex pyrosequencing for HLA-B*57:01 screening using single nucleotide polymorphism haplotype.

  24939907   Evidence after imputation for a role of MICA variants in nonprogression and elite control of HIV type 1 infection.

  24944790   Screening for 392 polymorphisms in 141 pharmacogenes.

  24971308   Genetic variations of cytokines and cytokine receptors in psoriasis patients from china.

  25264125   Investigating the genetic association of HCP5, SPATA2, TNIP1, TNFAIP3 and COG6 with psoriasis in Chinese population.

  25369137   A multilocus genetic study in a cohort of Italian SLE patients confirms the association with STAT4 gene and describes a new association with HCP5 gene.

  26083016   Accuracy of SNPs to predict risk of HLA alleles associated with drug-induced hypersensitivity events across racial groups.

  26100217   [Prevalence study of the genetic markers associated with slow progression of human inmunodefiency virus type 1 in the Galician population (Northwest of Spain)].

  26369774   Impact of New Genomic Technologies on Understanding Adverse Drug Reactions.

  26613086   Polymorphisms Associated with Age at Onset in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis.

  27083073   Impact of polymorphisms in the HCP5 and HLA-C, and ZNRD1 genes on HIV viral load.

  27546346   Validation of two commercial real-time PCR assays for rapid screening of the HLA-B*57:01 allele in the HIV clinical laboratory.

  28449694   The MHC locus and genetic susceptibility to autoimmune and infectious diseases.

  31137555   Long Noncoding RNA HCP5, a Hybrid HLA Class I Endogenous Retroviral Gene: Structure, Expression, and Disease Associations.

  31148855   Evaluation of HCP5 and Chemokine C Receptor type 5 Gene Polymorphisms in Indian Psoriatic Patients.

  31393887   Novel association of five HLA alleles with HIV-1 progression in Spanish long-term non progressor patients.

  31421661   The utility of surrogate markers in predicting HLA alleles associated with adverse drug reactions in Vietnamese.

  33044391   HCP5 rs2395029 is a rapid and inexpensive alternative to HLA-B*57:01 genotyping to predict abacavir hypersensitivity reaction in Spain.

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