Normal allele: AA
Polymorphism rs2239704 is related to topics like this:
Research and publications:
15052269 Allele-specific repression of lymphotoxin-alpha by activated B cell factor-1.
16449530 Cytokine polymorphisms in the Th1/Th2 pathway and susceptibility to non-Hodgkin lymphoma
17327408 Prognostic significance of host immune gene polymorphisms in follicular lymphoma survival
18805939 Functional genetic polymorphisms and female reproductive disorders: part II--endometriosis
19066394 Organochlorine exposure, immune gene variation, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
19281305 Tumor necrosis factor and lymphotoxin-alpha polymorphisms and severe malaria in African populations
20617178 Leprosy and the adaptation of human toll-like receptor 1.
21658613 Host genetics in follicular lymphoma.
21867552 Host candidate gene polymorphisms and clearance of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum parasites.
22001640 Tumour necrosis factor gene polymorphisms and migraine: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
22685595 Genotype-based test in mapping cis-regulatory variants from allele-specific expression data.
22957039 Candidate polymorphisms and severe malaria in a Malian population.
23316245 The host genetic diversity in malaria infection.
24054031 Genetic variation in cytokine-related genes and migraine susceptibility.
24098683 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk and variants in genes controlling lymphocyte development.