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SNP information rs1799971


Normal allele: AA

The A118G polymorphism of the mu-opioid receptor gene causes severe craving for alcohol that is treatable with naltrexone.

Polymorphism rs1799971 is related to topics like this:

Alcoholism genes

Although alcohol is widely consumed, excessive use can lead to serious physical, psychological, and...

Is drug abuse genetic

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Research and publications:

  9193881   Blood-brain barrier permeability to morphine-6-glucuronide is markedly reduced compared with morphine.

  9689128   Single-nucleotide polymorphism in the human mu opioid receptor gene alters beta-endorphin binding and activity: possible implications for opiate addiction.

  11134674   Opioid receptor and peptide gene polymorphisms: potential implications for addictions.

  11751037   The mu-opioid receptor gene polymorphism (A118G) alters HPA axis activation induced by opioid receptor blockade.

  11773858   A polymorphism (A118G) in the mu-opioid receptor gene affects the response to morphine-6-glucuronide in humans.

  11773859   The polymorphism A118G of the human mu-opioid receptor gene decreases the pupil constrictory effect of morphine-6-glucuronide but not that of morphine.

  12627468   Association between the cortisol response to opioid blockade and the Asn40Asp polymorphism at the mu-opioid receptor locus (OPRM1).

  15037869   Substantial attributable risk related to a functional mu-opioid receptor gene polymorphism in association with heroin addiction in central Sweden.

  15086512   Effect of the A118G polymorphism on binding affinity, potency and agonist-mediated endocytosis, desensitization, and resensitization of the human mu-opioid receptor.

  15608594   A polymorphism of the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) and sensitivity to the effects of alcohol in humans.

  16046395   Allelic expression imbalance of human mu opioid receptor (OPRM1) caused by variant A118G.

  16387451   Association of an Asn40Asp (A118G) polymorphism in the mu-opioid receptor gene with substance dependence: a meta-analysis.

  16623937   A clinical genetic method to identify mechanisms by which pain causes depression and anxiety.

  16682632   Mu opioid receptor A118G polymorphism in association with striatal opioid neuropeptide gene expression in heroin abusers.

  16887046   The mu-opioid receptor gene and smoking initiation and nicotine dependence.

  16906017   The mu-opioid receptor gene polymorphism 118A>G depletes alfentanil-induced analgesia and protects against respiratory depression in homozygous carriers.

  17156920   Exploring joint effects of genes and the clinical efficacy of morphine for cancer pain: OPRM1 and COMT gene.

  17898703   Association of ABCB1/MDR1 and OPRM1 gene polymorphisms with morphine pain relief.

  18004207   Population-specific effects of the Asn40Asp polymorphism at the mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) on HPA-axis activation.

  18213616   Multiple OPR genes influence personality traits in substance dependent and healthy subjects in two American populations.

  18250251   An evaluation of mu-opioid receptor (OPRM1) as a predictor of naltrexone response in the treatment of alcohol dependence: results from the Combined Pharmacotherapies and Behavioral Interventions for Alcohol Dependence (COMBINE) study.

  18384978   Association of candidate genes with antisocial drug dependence in adolescents.

  18403122   Genetic variability of the mu-opioid receptor influences intrathecal fentanyl analgesia requirements in laboring women.

  18433502   Association between single nucleotide polymorphisms in the mu opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) and self-reported responses to alcohol in American Indians.

  18518884   Association between mu-opioid receptor-1 102T>C polymorphism and intermediate type 2 diabetes phenotypes: results from the Quebec Family Study (QFS).

  18518925   Genetic susceptibility to heroin addiction: a candidate gene association study.

  18690117   Gene and gene by sex associations with initial sensitivity to nicotine in nonsmokers.

  18698231   Polymorphisms affecting gene transcription and mRNA processing in pharmacogenetic candidate genes: detection through allelic expression imbalance in human target tissues.

  18725235   Bidirectional translational research: Progress in understanding addictive diseases.

  19008867   OPRM1 gene is associated with BMI in Uyghur population.

  19053977   OPRM1 Asn40Asp predicts response to naltrexone treatment: a haplotype-based approach.

  19103668   Expansion of the human mu-opioid receptor gene architecture: novel functional variants.

  19258022   Now or Later? An fMRI study of the effects of endogenous opioid blockade on a decision-making network.

  19335651   Candidate genes for cannabis use disorders: findings, challenges and directions.

  19528658   Mouse model of OPRM1 (A118G) polymorphism has sex-specific effects on drug-mediated behavior.

  19605407   Mu-opioid receptor (A118G) single-nucleotide polymorphism affects alfentanil requirements for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy: a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic study.

  19775452   Do genetic predictors of pain sensitivity associate with persistent widespread pain?

  19783098   Association between OPRM1 gene polymorphisms and fentanyl sensitivity in patients undergoing painful cosmetic surgery.

  19860800   Initial evidence of an association between OPRM1 and adolescent alcohol misuse.

  19959688   Nicotine withdrawal sensitivity, linkage to chr6q26, and association of OPRM1 SNPs in the SMOking in FAMilies (SMOFAM) sample.

  20029457   A gene-based method for detecting gene-gene co-association in a case-control association study.

  20100356   PCA-based bootstrap confidence interval tests for gene-disease association involving multiple SNPs.

  20112002   A118G polymorphism of OPRM1 gene is associated with schizophrenia.

  20194481   Association of mu-opioid receptor variants and response to citalopram treatment in major depressive disorder.

  20201854   Search for genetic markers and functional variants involved in the development of opiate and cocaine addiction and treatment.

  21029375   OPRM1 gene variants modulate amphetamine-induced euphoria in humans.

  21070507   A C17T polymorphism in the mu opiate receptor is associated with quantitative measures of drug use in African American women.

  21143246   Neurotransmitter and neuromodulator genes associated with a history of depressive symptoms in individuals with alcohol dependence.

  21150856   Study of the OPRM1 A118G genetic polymorphism associated with postoperative nausea and vomiting induced by fentanyl intravenous analgesia.

  21160491   Haplotype block structure of the genomic region of the mu opioid receptor gene.

  21193270   Genetic moderators and psychiatric mediators of the link between sexual abuse and alcohol dependence.

  21197301   Recent advances in the use of opioids for cancer pain.

  21277709   No evidence of association between 118A>G OPRM1 polymorphism and heroin dependence in a large Bulgarian case-control sample.

  21289622   Pharmacogenomics of the RNA world: structural RNA polymorphisms in drug therapy.

  21333900   The role of genetics in IBS

  21383334   Lack of association of OPRM1 and ABCB1 single-nucleotide polymorphisms to oxycodone response in postoperative pain.

  21423693   Effect sizes in experimental pain produced by gender, genetic variants and sensitization procedures.

  21728034   Methamphetamine-associated psychosis.

  21837673   Human mu-opioid receptor gene A118G polymorphism predicts the efficacy of tramadol/acetaminophen combination tablets (ultracet) in oxaliplatin-induced painful neuropathy.

  21900886   Pharmacogenetics of naltrexone in asian americans: a randomized placebo-controlled laboratory study.

  21902500   Impact of genetic polymorphisms in ABCB1, CYP2B6, OPRM1, ANKK1 and DRD2 genes on methadone therapy in Han Chinese patients.

  21906503   Different phenotypic and genotypic presentations in alcohol dependence: age at onset matters.

  22011682   Pharmacogenetic approaches to the treatment of alcohol addiction.

  22020140   Molecular mechanisms of opioid receptor-dependent signaling and behavior.

  22046326   "Smoking genes": a genetic association study.

  22071118   Ethnic-specific meta-analyses of association between the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism and alcohol dependence among Asians and Caucasians.

  22170288   Translational genetic approaches to substance use disorders: bridging the gap between mice and humans.

  22211341   Variation in OPRM1 and risk of suicidal behavior in drug-dependent individuals.

  22309038   Possible association between OPRM1 genetic variance at the 118 locus and alcohol dependence in a large treatment sample: relationship to alcohol dependence symptoms.

  22457278   Association of polymorphisms of the mu opioid receptor gene with the severity of HIV infection and response to HIV treatment.

  22500942   Association of OPRD1 polymorphisms with heroin dependence in a large case-control series.

  22547174   The genetics of the opioid system and specific drug addictions.

  22587755   Pharmacogenetically driven treatments for alcoholism: are we there yet?

  22709632   κ-opioid receptor/dynorphin system: genetic and pharmacotherapeutic implications for addiction.

  22781865   Testing multiple levels of influence in the intergenerational transmission of alcohol disorders from a developmental perspective: the example of alcohol use promoting peers and μ-opioid receptor M1 variation.

  22806211   The genetics of addiction-a translational perspective.

  22841130   Shared and unique genetic contributions to attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance use disorders: a pilot study of six candidate genes.

  22899923   Genetic Influences on Physiological and Subjective Responses to an Aerobic Exercise Session among Sedentary Adults.

  22954510   Delta and kappa opioid receptor polymorphisms influence the effects of naltrexone on subjective responses to alcohol.

  22978509   Convergence of genome-wide association and candidate gene studies for alcoholism.

  22992668   Pharmacogenomics knowledge for personalized medicine.

  23092589   Colorado Twin Registry: an update.

  23144877   A non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism in an OPRM1 splice variant is associated with fentanyl-induced emesis in women undergoing minor gynaecological surgery.

  23222260   Opioid receptors control viral replication in the airways.

  23226062   ABCB1 haplotype and OPRM1 118A > G genotype interaction in methadone maintenance treatment pharmacogenetics.

  23226066   Mu opioid receptor (OPRM1) as a predictor of treatment outcome in opiate-dependent individuals of Arab descent.

  23302985   The effect of OPRM1 and COMT genotypes on the analgesic response to intravenous fentanyl labor analgesia.

  23318993   Opioid receptor polymorphism A118G associated with clinical severity in a drug overdose population.

  23402298   Combined analysis of circulating β-endorphin with gene polymorphisms in OPRM1, CACNAD2 and ABCB1 reveals correlation with pain, opioid sensitivity and opioid-related side effects.

  23454283   Low frequency genetic variants in the μ-opioid receptor (OPRM1) affect risk for addiction to heroin and cocaine.

  23577077   Randomised phase II trial (NCT00637975) evaluating activity and toxicity of two different escalating strategies for pregabalin and oxycodone combination therapy for neuropathic pain in cancer patients.

  23588313   Biomarkers for smoking cessation.

  23632726   Association of OPRM1 and COMT single-nucleotide polymorphisms with hospital length of stay and treatment of neonatal abstinence syndrome.

  23729673   μ-Opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) polymorphism A118G: lack of association in Finnish populations with alcohol dependence or alcohol consumption.

  23766564   Pharmacogenetics of chronic pain and its treatment.

  23793356   Neuroimaging in psychiatric pharmacogenetics research: the promise and pitfalls.

  23909491   Effects of OPRM1 A118G polymorphism on epidural analgesia with fentanyl during labor: a meta-analysis.

  23917806   Lack of association between DRD2 and OPRM1 genotypes and adiposity.

  23922910   A clinical tool for reducing central nervous system depression among neonates exposed to codeine through breast milk.

  24086514   Association of polymorphisms in pharmacogenetic candidate genes (OPRD1, GAL, ABCB1, OPRM1) with opioid dependence in European population: a case-control study.

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