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SNP information rs174561


Normal allele: TT

FADS gene polymorphism alters serum glycerophospholipid fatty acid concentrations and their percentage composition in children.

Polymorphism rs174561 is related to topics like this:

Omega 3 genetics

It may seem counterintuitive that substances with the names "fat" and "acid" can be beneficial for...

Research and publications:

  19458495   Comprehensive analysis of the impact of SNPs and CNVs on human microRNAs and their regulatory genes

  20335541   FADS1 FADS2 gene variants modify the association between fish intake and the docosahexaenoic acid proportions in human milk.

  20562440   FADS genetic variants and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in a homogeneous island population.

  20565855   Genetic variation in lipid desaturases and its impact on the development of human disease.

  20948998   Variants of the FADS1 FADS2 gene cluster, blood levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and eczema in children within the first 2 years of life.

  21793953   FADS gene variants modulate the effect of dietary fatty acid intake on allergic diseases in children.

  21818279   Influence of FADS polymorphisms on tracking of serum glycerophospholipid fatty acid concentrations and percentage composition in children.

  22015690   Polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in prostate cancer.

  22629455   FADS1 FADS2 gene cluster, PUFA intake and blood lipids in children: results from the GINIplus and LISAplus studies.

  23160180   Genetic variation at the FADS1-FADS2 gene locus influences delta-5 desaturase activity and LC-PUFA proportions after fish oil supplement.

  25557604   The association of common polymorphisms in miR-196a2 with waist to hip ratio and miR-1908 with serum lipid and glucose.

  26474818   Genetic variation in FADS genes is associated with maternal long-chain PUFA status but not with cognitive development of infants in a high fish-eating observational study.

  26693966   The evolution of Homo sapiens denisova and Homo sapiens neanderthalensis miRNA targeting genes in the prenatal and postnatal brain.

  26891335   Cancer Risk and Eicosanoid Production: Interaction between the Protective Effect of Long Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Intake and Genotype.

  28259851   Study protocol to investigate the environmental and genetic aetiology of atopic dermatitis: the Indonesian Prospective Study of Atopic Dermatitis in Infants (ISADI).

  30103441   Associations between Fatty Acid Intake and Status, Desaturase Activities, and FADS Gene Polymorphism in Centrally Obese Postmenopausal Polish Women.

  30407633   Triacylglycerol-Lowering Effect of Docosahexaenoic Acid Is Not Influenced by Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Involved in Lipid Metabolism in Humans.

  31568926   Maternal polymorphisms in the FADS1 and FADS2 genes modify the association between PUFA ingestion and plasma concentrations of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  32433731   Maternal Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Status, Methylmercury Exposure, and Birth Outcomes in a High-Fish-Eating Mother-Child Cohort.

  33526157   Maternal and child fatty acid desaturase genotype as determinants of cord blood long-chain PUFA (LCPUFA) concentrations in the Seychelles Child Development Study.

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