Normal allele: TT
Polymorphism rs1562430 is related to topics like this:
Research and publications:
20453838 Genome-wide association study identifies five new breast cancer susceptibility loci.
21779458 Chromosome 8q24-Associated Cancers and MYC.
22275265 Common genetic variants in the 8q24 region and risk of papillary thyroid cancer.
22558003 The 8q24 gene desert: an oasis of non-coding transcriptional activity.
22747683 Genetic variants associated with breast size also influence breast cancer risk.
22806168 A multistage genetic association study identifies breast cancer risk loci at 10q25 and 16q24.
22972951 Prediction of breast cancer risk by genetic risk factors, overall and by hormone receptor status.
24025454 Hereditary breast cancer: ever more pieces to the polygenic puzzle.
24359602 Common breast cancer risk variants in the post-COGS era: a comprehensive review.
25027274 Testing calibration of risk models at extremes of disease risk.
25302443 Genetic variant in 8q24 is associated with prognosis for gastric cancer in a Chinese population.
25611573 Association of breast cancer risk loci with breast cancer survival.
26070784 Genetic risk variants associated with in situ breast cancer.