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SNP information rs7566605


Normal allele: GG

Sustained weight loss effect in carriers of the risk allele C polymorphism of the INSIG2 gene rs7566605 when following a vegetarian diet.

Polymorphism rs7566605 is related to topics like this:

Vegetarian genetic

Various reasons drive individuals to experiment with a vegetarian diet, ranging from ethical and...

Research and publications:

  17024366   Lack of association between rs7566605 and obesity in a Chinese population.

  17137505   INSIG-2 promoter polymorphism and obesity related phenotypes: association study in 1428 members of 248 families.

  17218508   Comment on "A common genetic variant is associated with adult and childhood obesity".

  17218509   Comment on "A common genetic variant is associated with adult and childhood obesity".

  17218510   Comment on "A common genetic variant is associated with adult and childhood obesity".

  17389899   Is rs7566605, a SNP near INSIG2, associated with body mass in a randomized clinical trial of antipsychotics in schizophrenia?

  17465681   The association of a SNP upstream of INSIG2 with body mass index is reproduced in several but not all cohorts.

  17471297   INSIG2 gene polymorphism is not associated with obesity in Caucasian, Afro-Caribbean and Indian subjects.

  17489846   The common genetic variant upstream of INSIG2 gene is not associated with obesity in Indian population.

  17903300   Genome-wide association to body mass index and waist circumference: the Framingham Heart Study 100K project

  18003761   Evidence of an influence of a polymorphism near the INSIG2 on weight loss during a lifestyle intervention in obese children and adolescents.

  18070740   No association between rs7566605 variant and being overweight in Japanese.

  18096054   Association between the -455T>C promoter polymorphism of the APOC3 gene and the metabolic syndrome in a multi-ethnic sample.

  18162505   Identification and replication of a novel obesity locus on chromosome 1q24 in isolated populations of Cilento.

  18223638   No association between INSIG2 Gene rs7566605 polymorphism and being overweight in Japanese population.

  18239574   INSIG2 polymorphism is neither associated with BMI nor with phenotypes of lipoprotein metabolism.

  18270535   Potential association of INSIG2 rs7566605 polymorphism with body weight in a Chinese subpopulation.

  18304332   No evidence for association between BMI and 10 candidate genes at ages 4, 7 and 10 in a large UK sample of twins

  18325910   Genome-wide association scans identified CTNNBL1 as a novel gene for obesity

  18387595   On the replication of genetic associations: timing can be everything!

  18426866   Association of FTO with obesity-related traits in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey (CLHNS) Cohort

  18514965   A common polymorphism is associated with body mass index in Uyghur population.

  18570692   The single nucleotide polymorphism upstream of insulin-induced gene 2 ( INSIG2) is associated with the prevalence of hypercholesterolaemia, but not with obesity, in Japanese American women.

  18615239   INSIG2 gene rs7566605 polymorphism is associated with severe obesity in Japanese.

  18682847   Non-replication of genome-wide based associations between common variants in INSIG2 and PFKP and obesity in studies of 18,014 Danes

  18839134   Assessing gene-treatment interactions at the FTO and INSIG2 loci on obesity-related traits in the Diabetes Prevention Program

  19079261   Six new loci associated with body mass index highlight a neuronal influence on body weight regulation

  19105843   INSIG2 gene polymorphism is associated with increased subcutaneous fat in women and poor response to resistance training in men.

  19107338   Association of a genetic polymorphism in ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 with hepatitis C virus infection and hepatitis C virus core antigen levels in subjects in a hyperendemic area of Japan.

  19197259   Lack of association between a common polymorphism near the INSIG2 gene and BMI, myocardial infarction, and cardiovascular risk factors.

  19197262   Absence of association between the INSIG2 gene polymorphism (rs7566605) and obesity in the European Youth Heart Study (EYHS).

  19224890   Aggravating effect of INSIG2 and FTO on overweight reduction in a one-year lifestyle intervention

  19245693   Studies of CTNNBL1 and FDFT1 variants and measures of obesity: analyses of quantitative traits and case-control studies in 18,014 Danes

  19263810   Association of the common genetic variant upstream of INSIG2 gene with obesity related phenotypes in Chinese children and adolescents.

  19360016   INSIG2 SNPs associated with obesity and glucose homeostasis traits in Hispanics: the IRAS Family Study.

  19399648   Possible role for ENPP1 polymorphism in obesity but not for INSIG2 and PLIN variants.

  19478790   The role of obesity-associated loci identified in genome-wide association studies in the determination of pediatric BMI.

  19523229   The INSIG2 rs7566605 genetic variant does not play a major role in obesity in a sample of 24,722 individuals from four cohorts.

  19593725   Association of maternally inherited GNAS alleles with African-American male birth weight.

  19736300   Genetic basis of inter-individual variability in the effects of exercise on the alleviation of lifestyle-related diseases

  19772594   Association analyses of the INSIG2 polymorphism in the obesity and cholesterol levels of Korean populations.

  19851442   Meta-analysis of the INSIG2 association with obesity including 74,345 individuals: does heterogeneity of estimates relate to study design?

  19965593   INSIG1 influences obesity-related hypertriglyceridemia in humans.

  20028541   A tagging SNP in INSIG2 is associated with obesity-related phenotypes among Samoans.

  20045156   Common INSIG2 polymorphisms are associated with age-related changes in body size and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol from young adulthood to middle age.

  20092643   Large effects on body mass index and insulin resistance of fat mass and obesity associated gene (FTO) variants in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

  20127379   From monogenic to polygenic obesity: recent advances.

  20354568   INSIG2 is Associated with Lower Gain in Weight-for-Length Between Birth and Age 6 Months.

  20373477   Association study of polymorphisms in insulin induced gene 2 (INSIG2) with antipsychotic-induced weight gain in European and African-American schizophrenia patients.

  20504252   Association of HTR2C, but not LEP or INSIG2, genes with antipsychotic-induced weight gain in a German sample.

  20645959   An INSIG2 polymorphism affects glucose homeostasis in Sardinian obese children and adolescents.

  20712903   Obesity and diabetes genes are associated with being born small for gestational age: results from the Auckland Birthweight Collaborative study

  20725061   MC4R variant is associated with BMI but not response to resistance training in young females.

  20816152   Obesity and diabetes genetic variants associated with gestational weight gain.

  20816195   Analyses of shared genetic factors between asthma and obesity in children.

  20858904   Fine mapping of the insulin-induced gene 2 identifies a variant associated with LDL cholesterol and total apolipoprotein B levels.

  20955599   The INSIG2 rs7566605 polymorphism is not associated with body mass index and breast cancer risk.

  20966902   Genome-wide association study of anthropometric traits and evidence of interactions with age and study year in Filipino women.

  21150882   Replication of genetic variants from genome-wide association studies with metabolic traits in an island population of the Adriatic coast of Croatia.

  21233811   Multilocus analyses of seven candidate genes suggest interacting pathways for obesity-related traits in Brazilian populations.

  21283731   FTO and MC4R gene variants are associated with obesity in polycystic ovary syndrome.

  21544599   Influence of common variants in FTO and near INSIG2 and MC4R on growth curves for adiposity in African- and European-American youth.

  22038464   Moderate effects of apple juice consumption on obesity-related markers in obese men: impact of diet-gene interaction on body fat content.

  22355322   Gene-gene and gene-environmental interactions of childhood asthma: a multifactor dimension reduction approach.

  22968099   INSIG2 variants, dietary patterns and metabolic risk in Samoa.

  22998931   Leisure time activities in adolescence in the presence of susceptibility genes for obesity: risk or resilience against overweight in adulthood? The HUNT study.

  23318717   Sex-specific effects of weight-affecting gene variants in a life course perspective--The HUNT Study, Norway.

  23339409   Reduced genetic influence on childhood obesity in small for gestational age children.

  23360386   The genetics of human obesity.

  23497168   Omega-3 fatty acids, polymorphisms and lipid related cardiovascular disease risk factors in the Inuit population.

  23712987   Genetic risk factors for BMI and obesity in an ethnically diverse population: results from the population architecture using genomics and epidemiology (PAGE) study.

  23874820   Evaluation of 41 candidate gene variants for obesity in the EPIC-Potsdam cohort by multi-locus stepwise regression.

  23941145   Association between intramuscular fat in the arm following arm training and INSIG2.

  24458218   Association of INSIG2 rs9308762 with ALT level independent of BMI.

  24518831   Controversial association results for INSIG2 on body mass index may be explained by interactions with age and with MC4R.

  24959828   Genetic association study with metabolic syndrome and metabolic-related traits in a cross-sectional sample and a 10-year longitudinal sample of chinese elderly population.

  25028659   The gene-gene interaction of INSIG-SCAP-SREBP pathway on the risk of obesity in Chinese children.

  25607990   Association of INSIG2 polymorphism with overweight and LDL in children.

  27217270   Pharmacogenetic Associations of Antipsychotic Drug-Related Weight Gain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

  27432166   Evaluation of differential effects of metformin treatment in obese children according to pubertal stage and genetic variations: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

  28160769   Common Genetic Variant of insig2 Gene rs7566605 Polymorphism Is Associated with Severe Obesity in North India.

  28577571   Genetic determinants of inherited susceptibility to hypercholesterolemia - a comprehensive literature review.

  28738793   Association between 28 single nucleotide polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Kazakh population: a case-control study.

  29138870   INSIG2 rs7566605 single nucleotide variant and global DNA methylation index levels are associated with weight loss in a personalized weight reduction program.

  30607769   Pharmacogenetic Correlates of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain in the Chinese Population.

  31144980   INSIG2 gene polymorphism is associated with higher blood pressure and triglyceride levels in Brazilian obese subjects.

  32596317   The CC Genotype of Insulin-Induced Gene 2 rs7566605 Is a Protective Factor of Hypercholesteremia Susceptible to Mild Cognitive Impairment, Especially to the Executive Function of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

  32797194   Genetic Variation and Hot Flashes: A Systematic Review.

  33170161   Genetic test for the prescription of diets in support of physical activity.

  34315947   Association of CNR1 and INSIG2 polymorphisms with antipsychotics-induced weight gain: a prospective nested case-control study.

  34683084   Associations of the SREBF2 Gene and INSIG2 Polymorphisms with Obesity and Dyslipidemia in Thai Psychotic Disorder Patients Treated with Risperidone.

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