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SNP information rs696217


Normal allele: GG

A variant of the ghrelin gene increases weight, is linked to obesity in humans.

Research and publications:

  11502844   Mutations in the preproghrelin/ghrelin gene associated with obesity in humans.

  12050239   Ghrelin gene: identification of missense variants and a frameshift mutation in extremely obese children and adolescents and healthy normal weight students.

  12161552   A variation in the ghrelin gene increases weight and decreases insulin secretion in tall, obese children.

  16204371   Variants in the ghrelin gene are associated with metabolic syndrome in the Old Order Amish.

  16921495   Possible role of preproghrelin gene polymorphisms in susceptibility to bulimia nervosa.

  17357083   Medical sequencing at the extremes of human body mass.

  17389697   Examining the candidacy of ghrelin as a gene responsible for variation in adult stature in a United Kingdom population with type 2 diabetes.

  18249219   Interaction of single nucleotide polymorphisms in ADRB2, ADRB3, TNF, IL6, IGF1R, LIPC, LEPR, and GHRL with physical activity on the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus and changes in characteristics of the metabolic syndrome: The Finnish Diabetes P

  18778477   Genomic variation in myeloma: design, content, and initial application of the Bank On A Cure SNP Panel to detect associations with progression-free survival.

  19041386   Genetic-epidemiological evidence on genes associated with HDL cholesterol levels: a systematic in-depth review.

  19077438   Analysis of 30 genes (355 SNPS) associated with energy homeostasis for association with obesity in Euro-American and Yup'ik Eskimo populations.

  19593725   Association of maternally inherited GNAS alleles with African-American male birth weight.

  20010782   Influence of ghrelin gene polymorphisms on hypertension and atherosclerotic disease.

  20191112   The Genetics of Anorexia Nervosa: Current Findings and Future Perspectives.

  20586762   Genetic variation of the ghrelin signaling system in females with severe alcohol dependence.

  20920174   Polymorphisms of genes coding for ghrelin and its receptor in relation to colorectal cancer risk: a two-step gene-wide case-control study.

  21448464   The ghrelin signalling system is involved in the consumption of sweets.

  21472143   Association between polymorphisms in cancer-related genes and early onset of esophageal adenocarcinoma.

  22369141   Association between ghrelin gene (GHRL) polymorphisms and clinical response to atypical antipsychotic drugs in Han Chinese schizophrenia patients.

  23257630   Preproghrelin gene polymorphisms in obese Japanese women. Minor homozygotes are light eaters, do not prefer protein or fat, and apparently have a poor appetite.

  23925522   Association of genetic variants of ghrelin, leptin and UCP2 with malnutrition inflammation syndrome and survival in end-stage renal disease patients.

  24340245   Adiposity, inflammation, genetic variants and risk of post-menopausal breast cancer findings from a prospective-specimen-collection, retrospective-blinded-evaluation (PRoBE) design approach.

  24619886   Glucose impairment and ghrelin gene variants are associated to cognitive dysfunction.

  25376984   Associations between ghrelin and ghrelin receptor polymorphisms and cancer in Caucasian populations: a meta-analysis.

  25540946   Leu72Met408 Polymorphism of the Ghrelin Gene Is Associated With Early Phase of Gastric Emptying in the Patients With Functional Dyspepsia in Japan.

  25868387   The association between rs4684677 T/A polymorphism in preproghrelin gene and predisposition to autoimmune thyroid diseases in children.

  25887915   Whole genome sequencing of an ethnic Pathan (Pakhtun) from the north-west of Pakistan.

  26059200   Genetic variation of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor gene is associated with alcohol use disorders identification test scores and smoking.

  26349669   Gly972Arg variant of insulin receptor substrate 1 gene and colorectal cancer risk in overweight/obese subjects.

  26375586   Ghrelin Gene Variants Influence on Metabolic Syndrome Components in Aged Spanish Population.

  26599409   Association of Ghrelin Gene Polymorphisms and Serum Ghrelin Levels with the Risk of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Liver Diseases in a Chinese Population.

  27245511   Effect of dietary energy and polymorphisms in BRAP and GHRL on obesity and metabolic traits.

  27552970   Is there an effect of ghrelin/ghrelin analogs on cancer? A systematic review.

  27750262   The obestatin/ghrelin ratio and ghrelin genetics in adult celiac patients before and after a gluten-free diet, in irritable bowel syndrome patients and healthy individuals.

  28481975   The Leu72Met Polymorphism of the Prepro-ghrelin Gene is Associated With Alcohol Consumption and Subjective Responses to Alcohol: Preliminary Findings.

  28899534   Gene-by-environment interactions of the CLOCK, PEMT, and GHRELIN loci with average sleep duration in relation to obesity traits using a cohort of 643 New Zealand European children.

  28956366   Leu72Met and Other Intronic Polymorphisms in the GHRL and GHSR Genes Are Not Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin Resistance, or Serum Ghrelin Levels in a Saudi Population.

  29755414   Non-Synonymous Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Physical Activity Interactions on Adiposity Parameters in Malaysian Adolescents.

  30326460   The preliminary investigation of orexigenic hormone gene polymorphisms on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms.

  30607769   Pharmacogenetic Correlates of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain in the Chinese Population.

  31213864   The association of the fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) rs9939609 polymorphism and the severe obesity in a Brazilian population.

  32294653   Ghrelin Gene Polymorphisms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

  32698854   Leu72Met polymorphism of GHRL gene decreases susceptibility to type 2 diabetes mellitus in a Mexican population.

  33170161   Genetic test for the prescription of diets in support of physical activity.

  33466296   Discovering Genotype Variants in an Infant with VACTERL through Clinical Exome Sequencing: A Support for Personalized Risk Assessment and Disease Prevention.

  34174062   The Leu72Met (rs696217 G>T) Polymorphism of the Ghrelin Gene Might Be a Protective Factor for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

  34447656   Dual Effect of the GHRL Gene Variant in the Molecular Pathogenesis of Obesity.

  35182895   Ghrelin polymorphism/TRPV1 receptor expression in Egyptian IBS patients.

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