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SNP information rs53576


Normal allele: GG

Genetic variability in the oxytocin receptor has been linked to empathy and stress response in humans. Studies have shown that people without a break in the gene are more empathic, feel less lonely, use more sensitive parenting techniques and are less likely to have autism. The gene also correlates significantly with parenting, with people without a break in the gene being associated with a significantly more sensitive parenting style than heterozygote and homozygote carriers.

Polymorphism rs53576 is related to topics like this:

DNA test for autism

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Empath genetics

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Research and publications:

  15992526   Positive association of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) with autism in the Chinese Han population.

  17383819   Association of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) in Caucasian children and adolescents with autism.

  18687882   Genetic correlates of adult attachment style.

  19015103   Oxytocin receptor (OXTR) and serotonin transporter (5-HTT) genes associated with observed parenting.

  19376182   Associations between the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and affect, loneliness and intelligence in normal subjects.

  19515497   Oxytocin receptor polymorphisms and adult attachment style in patients with depression.

  19934046   Oxytocin receptor genetic variation relates to empathy and stress reactivity in humans.

  20347913   Evidence that genetic variation in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene influences social cognition in ADHD.

  20585395   No association between oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene polymorphisms and experimentally elicited social preferences.

  20647384   A common allele in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) impacts prosocial temperament and human hypothalamic-limbic structure and function.

  20724662   Culture, distress, and oxytocin receptor polymorphism (OXTR) interact to influence emotional support seeking.

  21484202   Association of oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene variants with multiple phenotype domains of autism spectrum disorder.

  21749372   Dopaminergic, serotonergic, and oxytonergic candidate genes associated with infant attachment security and disorganization? In search of main and interaction effects.

  21896752   Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is related to psychological resources.

  22015110   Variation in the oxytocin receptor gene is associated with pair-bonding and social behavior.

  22069391   Oxytocin receptor gene associated with the efficiency of social auditory processing.

  22084107   Thin-slicing study of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene and the evaluation and expression of the prosocial disposition.

  22123970   Common oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) polymorphism and social support interact to reduce stress in humans.

  22357335   The association between oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (OXTR) and trait empathy.

  22372486   The role of oxytocin and oxytocin receptor gene variants in childhood-onset aggression.

  22487732   Influence of COX-2 and OXTR polymorphisms on treatment outcome in treatment resistant depression.

  22563705   Differential susceptibility in spillover between interparental conflict and maternal parenting practices: evidence for OXTR and 5-HTT genes.

  22580735   Breastfeeding and its relation to maternal sensitivity and infant attachment.

  22615702   Imaging-genetics in autism spectrum disorder: advances, translational impact, and future directions.

  22763666   The influence of oxytocin administration on responses to infant faces and potential moderation by OXTR genotype.

  22809402   Associations between the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and "mind-reading" in humans--an exploratory study.

  22846218   Sexually dimorphic effects of oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR ) variants on Harm Avoidance.

  22939719   Oxytocin and catechol-O-methyltransferase receptor genotype predict the length of the first stage of labor.

  23087634   DNA methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene predicts neural response to ambiguous social stimuli.

  23089921   Common oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms and the risk for preterm birth.

  23284802   Association between oxytocin receptor gene polymorphisms and self-reported “empathic concern” in schizophrenia.

  23335876   Sex, receptors, and attachment: a review of individual factors influencing response to oxytocin.

  23562248   The association between the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) and hypnotizability.

  23684879   Variant in OXTR gene and functional connectivity of the hypothalamus in normal subjects.

  23708061   Neural mechanisms of oxytocin receptor gene mediating anxiety-related temperament.

  23921259   A sociability gene? Meta-analysis of oxytocin receptor genotype effects in humans.

  24209975   Are genetic variations in OXTR, AVPR1A, and CD38 genes important to social integration? Results from two large U.S. cohorts.

  24295535   Oxytocin receptor gene variation predicts empathic concern and autonomic arousal while perceiving harm to others.

  24596569   Gene-environment interactions and intermediate phenotypes: early trauma and depression.

  24621832   Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism, perceived social support, and psychological symptoms in maltreated adolescents.

  24703166   Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (rs53576) moderates the intergenerational transmission of depression.

  24749639   Motherhood and oxytocin receptor genetic variation are associated with selective changes in electrocortical responses to infant facial expressions.

  24768649   Salivary oxytocin mediates the association between emotional maltreatment and responses to emotional infant faces.

  24814480   Social cognition, face processing, and oxytocin receptor single nucleotide polymorphisms in typically developing children.

  25001970   Oxytocin receptor gene rs53576 polymorphism modulates oxytocin-dopamine interaction and neuroticism traits--a SPECT study.

  25003328   Social stress and the oxytocin receptor gene interact to predict antisocial behavior in an at-risk cohort.

  25009457   Social bonding: regulation by neuropeptides.

  25092315   Plasma oxytocin concentrations and OXTR polymorphisms predict social impairments in children with and without autism spectrum disorder.

  25405348   Oxytocin and vasopressin receptor gene variation as a proximate base for inter- and intraspecific behavioral differences in bonobos and chimpanzees.

  25450139   Preliminary evidence for the interaction of the oxytocin receptor gene (oxtr) and face processing in differentiating prenatal smoking patterns.

  25564674   Distress of ostracism: oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism confers sensitivity to social exclusion.

  25622005   Sensitivity in detecting facial displays of emotion: Impact of maternal depression and oxytocin receptor genotype.

  25637390   Oxytocin receptor gene and racial ingroup bias in empathy-related brain activity.

  25640833   Religion priming and an oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) polymorphism interact to affect self-control in a social context.

  25680993   Interaction between oxytocin receptor polymorphism and interdependent culture values on human empathy.

  25773927   Association between the oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism (rs53576) and bulimia nervosa.

  25890851   Methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene in clinically depressed patients compared to controls: The role of OXTR rs53576 genotype.

  25935637   The association between 2D:4D ratio and cognitive empathy is contingent on a common polymorphism in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR rs53576).

  26106053   Severity of eating disorder symptoms related to oxytocin receptor polymorphisms in anorexia nervosa.

  26121678   Association of Oxytocin Receptor Gene (OXTR) rs53576 Polymorphism with Sociality: A Meta-Analysis.

  26174935   Oxytocin system social function impacts in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

  26175754   DNA methylation and single nucleotide variants in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and oxytocin receptor (OXTR) genes are associated with anxiety/depression in older women.

  26178189   A common oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) polymorphism modulates intranasal oxytocin effects on the neural response to social cooperation in humans.

  26184070   Gene-set and multivariate genome-wide association analysis of oppositional defiant behavior subtypes in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

  26228411   Examining gene-environment interactions in comorbid depressive and disruptive behavior disorders using a Bayesian approach.

  26241486   Common oxytocin receptor gene variant interacts with rejection sensitivity to influence cortisol reactivity during negative evaluation.

  26253726   Primate paternal care: Interactions between biology and social experience.

  26257770   Interaction between oxytocin receptor DNA methylation and genotype is associated with risk of postpartum depression in women without depression in pregnancy.

  26321972   The moderating role of an oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism in the relation between unsupportive social interactions and coping profiles: implications for depression.

  26322220   A comprehensive meta-analysis of common genetic variants in autism spectrum conditions.

  26389606   Genetic moderation of stability in attachment security from early childhood to age 18 years: A replication study.

  26392129   Oxytocin Pathway Genes: Evolutionary Ancient System Impacting on Human Affiliation, Sociality, and Psychopathology.

  26441708   Hypothesis-driven research for G × E interactions: the relationship between oxytocin, parental divorce during adolescence, and depression in young adulthood.

  26444016   Polymorphism of the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Modulates Behavioral and Attitudinal Trust among Men but Not Women.

  26488131   Attachment style and oxytocin receptor gene variation interact in influencing social anxiety.

  26506050   Genetic modulation of oxytocin sensitivity: a pharmacogenetic approach.

  26599592   Lack of Association between Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) Gene Polymorphisms and Alexithymia: Evidence from Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

  26713079   Is Oxytocin Application for Autism Spectrum Disorder Evidence-Based?

  26738630   Polymorphisms of two loci at the oxytocin receptor gene in populations of Africa, Asia and South Europe.

  26787430   Oxytocin receptor gene variation predicts subjective responses to MDMA.

  26857197   Sleep duration, depression, and oxytocinergic genotype influence prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in postpartum women.

  26858213   Disadvantage of Social Sensitivity: Interaction of Oxytocin Receptor Genotype and Child Maltreatment on Brain Structure.

  26858594   Oxytocin and Vasopressin Receptor Gene Polymorphisms: Role in Social and Psychiatric Traits.

  26869977   The Adapting Mind in the Genomic Era.

  26901829   BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Is Associated with Self-Reported Empathy.

  26903384   Oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism modulates the effects of social support on heart rate variability.

  26903639   Delay discounting, genetic sensitivity, and leukocyte telomere length.

  26998571   Oxytocin and parent-child interaction in the development of empathy among children at risk for autism.

  27015428   The Idea Is Good, but…: Failure to Replicate Associations of Oxytocinergic Polymorphisms with Face-Inversion in the N170.

  27036876   An oxytocin receptor polymorphism predicts amygdala reactivity and antisocial behavior in men.

  27109357   Oxytocin receptor polymorphism and childhood social experiences shape adult personality, brain structure and neural correlates of mentalizing.

  27292275   Youth temperament, harsh parenting, and variation in the oxytocin receptor gene forecast allostatic load during emerging adulthood.

  27317929   Effects of oxytocin administration on spirituality and emotional responses to meditation.

  27467763   Association of a common oxytocin receptor gene polymorphism with self-reported “empathic concern” in a large population of healthy volunteers.

  27497314   Variation in the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) is associated with differences in moral judgment.

  27520745   Prenatal stress exposure, oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) methylation, and child autistic traits: The moderating role of OXTR rs53576 genotype.

  27552585   Oxytocin efficacy is modulated by dosage and oxytocin receptor genotype in young adults with high-functioning autism: a 24-week randomized clinical trial.

  27650102   Implicit association to infant faces: Genetics, early care experiences, and cultural factors influence caregiving propensities.

  27693815   Congenital prosopagnosia is associated with a genetic variation in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene: An exploratory study.

  27713694   Variation in the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Is Associated with Face Recognition and its Neural Correlates.

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