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SNP information rs20455


Normal allele: TT

Polymorphism rs20455 is related to topics like this:

Heart disease genetic

Although genetics can be a major factor in the development of certain heart diseases, individuals...

Research and publications:

  17975119   Association of gene variants with incident myocardial infarction in the Cardiovascular Health Study.

  18073581   Five common gene variants identify elevated genetic risk for coronary heart disease.

  18222353   Association of the Trp719Arg polymorphism in kinesin-like protein 6 with myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease in 2 prospective trials: the CARE and WOSCOPS trials.

  18222354   A kinesin family member 6 variant is associated with coronary heart disease in a women's health study.

  18222355   Polymorphism in KIF6 gene and benefit from statins after acute coronary syndromes: results from the PROVE IT-TIMI 22 study.

  18799872   Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with coronary heart disease predict incident ischemic stroke in the atherosclerosis risk in communities study.

  19752551   Polymorphisms associated with both noncardioembolic stroke and coronary heart disease: vienna stroke registry.

  20215968   KIF6 Trp719Arg polymorphism and the effect of statin therapy in elderly patients: results from the PROSPER study.

  20403483   Effect of pravastatin therapy on coronary events in carriers of the KIF6 719Arg allele from the cholesterol and recurrent events trial.

  20886236   Genetic variants in the KIF6 region and coronary event reduction from statin therapy.

  20933357   Lack of association between the Trp719Arg polymorphism in kinesin-like protein-6 and coronary artery disease in 19 case-control studies.

  21458191   No impact of KIF6 genotype on vascular risk and statin response among 18,348 randomized patients in the heart protection study.

  21810021   Investigation of KIF6 Trp719Arg in a case-control study of coronary artery disease in Western Indians.

  21921273   Cardiovascular pharmacogenomics.

  22135769   Gene-drug interaction in stroke.

  22192511   KIF6, LPA, TAS2R50, and VAMP8 genetic variation, low density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering response to pravastatin, and heart disease risk reduction in the elderly.

  22666496   Genome-wide study of gene variants associated with differential cardiovascular event reduction by pravastatin therapy.

  22992668   Pharmacogenomics knowledge for personalized medicine.

  23001387   Association of KIF6 variant with lipid level and angiographic coronary artery disease events risk in the Han Chinese population.

  23236363   Meta-analyses of KIF6 Trp719Arg in coronary heart disease and statin therapeutic effect.

  24779372   Applying genome-wide gene-based expression quantitative trait locus mapping to study population ancestry and pharmacogenetics.

  26236646   Genotyping and meta-analysis of KIF6 Trp719Arg polymorphism in South Indian Coronary Artery Disease patients: A case-control study.

  26772723   Gene variants at FTO, 9p21, and 2q36.3 are age-independently associated with myocardial infarction in Czech men.

  26997531   Investigation of KIF6 Trp719Arg gene polymorphism in a case-control study of coronary artery disease and non-fatal myocardial infarction in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.

  27600285   Endothelial lipase genetic polymorphisms and the lipid-lowering response in patients with coronary artery disease on rosuvastatin.

  29295555   Relationship between Lipid Phenotypes, Overweight, Lipid Lowering Drug Response and KIF6 and HMG-CoA Genotypes in a Subset of the Brisighella Heart Study Population.

  29304815   Association between KIF6 rs20455 polymorphism and the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD): a pooled analysis of 50 individual studies including 40,059 cases and 64,032 controls.

  29972410   Genetic Risk Analysis of Coronary Artery Disease in a Population-based Study in Portugal, Using a Genetic Risk Score of 31 Variants.

  30304062   KIF6 gene as a pharmacogenetic marker for lipid-lowering effect in statin treatment.

  30571812   Additional value of a combined genetic risk score to standard cardiovascular stratification.

  32867607   Are KIF6 and APOE polymorphisms associated with power and endurance athletes?

  33050895   Population structure and pharmacogenomic risk stratification in the United States.

  34137427   Genetic information improves the prediction of major adverse cardiovascular events in the GENEMACOR population.

  34276231   Epicardial Adipose Tissue: The Genetics Behind an Emerging Cardiovascular Risk Marker.

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