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SNP information rs3024496

Normal allele: AA

Polymorphism rs3024496 is related to topics like this:

Bronchial asthma

Research and publications:

  16449530   Cytokine polymorphisms in the Th1/Th2 pathway and susceptibility to non-Hodgkin lymphoma

  16672419   Polymorphisms in the genes encoding chemokine receptor 5, interleukin-10, and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 contribute to cytomegalovirus reactivation and disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation

  17690329   IL10 polymorphisms are associated with airflow obstruction in severe alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

  18254984   Screening of functional and positional candidate genes in families with common variable immunodeficiency.

  18440625   Dust mite exposure modifies the effect of functional IL10 polymorphisms on allergy and asthma exacerbations

  18479293   Evaluation of IL10, IL19 and IL20 gene polymorphisms and chronic hepatitis B infection outcome

  18676870   Variants in inflammation genes and the risk of biliary tract cancers and stones: a population-based study in China

  19267370   Association of IL10 and other immune response- and obesity-related genes with prostate cancer in CLUE II

  19295541   Extended IL10 haplotypes and their association with HIV progression to AIDS

  19356949   Cytokine SNPs: Comparison of allele frequencies by race and implications for future studies

  19401628   Host genetics, steatosis and insulin resistance among African Americans and Caucasian Americans with hepatitis C virus genotype-1 infection.

  19706362   Recommendations for using standardised phenotypes in genetic association studies

  19760027   Association of common polymorphisms in IL10, and in other genes related to inflammatory response and obesity with colorectal cancer

  19996607   Parsing the effects of individual SNPs in candidate genes with family data

  20525402   Analysis of eight genes modulating interferon gamma and human genetic susceptibility to tuberculosis: a case-control association study

  20531015   Effect of host genetics on incidence of HIV neuroretinal disorder in patients with AIDS

  20617924   Effect of host genetics on the development of cytomegalovirus retinitis in patients with AIDS

  20952689   Cytokine polymorphisms in Th1/Th2 pathway genes, body mass index, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma

  20976276   Interleukin-10 (IL-10) pathway: genetic variants and outcomes of HIV-1 infection in African American adolescents.

  21708280   Candidate gene studies in gallbladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  22074755   Potential genetic risk factors for chronic TMD: genetic associations from the OPPERA case control study.

  22113576   Polymorphisms in immune function genes and non-Hodgkin lymphoma survival.

  22180854   Polymorphisms in Th1/Th2 cytokine genes, hormone replacement therapy, and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

  22315323   Effects of non-HLA gene polymorphisms on development of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes in a population with high-risk HLA-DR,DQ genotypes.

  22672258   Polymorphic miRNA-mediated gene contribution to inhibitor development in haemophilia A.

  22674296   Interleukin genes and associations with colon and rectal cancer risk and overall survival.

  22844404   Evidence of associations between cytokine genes and subjective reports of sleep disturbance in oncology patients and their family caregivers.

  23273955   Coassociations between IL10 polymorphisms, IL-10 production, helminth infection, and asthma/wheeze in an urban tropical population in Brazil.

  23280621   Nucleotide variation in IL-10 and IL-12 and their receptors and cervical and vulvar cancer risk: a hybrid case-parent triad and case-control study.

  24281113   Inflammatory genetic markers of prostate cancer risk.

  24502445   Cytokine candidate genes predict the development of secondary lymphedema following breast cancer surgery.

  24628819   IL10 single nucleotide polymorphisms are related to upregulation of constitutive IL-10 production and susceptibility to Helicobacter pylori infection.

  24895547   Double-bottom chaotic map particle swarm optimization based on chi-square test to determine gene-gene interactions.

  25238536   Association of cytokines in individuals sensitive and insensitive to dust mites in a Brazilian population.

  25759212   A distinct and replicable variant of the squamous cell carcinoma gene inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase modifies the susceptibility of arsenic-associated skin lesions in Bangladesh.

  25941808   IL10 Variant g.5311A Is Associated with Visceral Leishmaniasis in Indian Population.

  26667837   Polymorphisms in Host Immunity-Modulating Genes and Risk of Invasive Aspergillosis: Results from the AspBIOmics Consortium.

  27432718   Variation of 46 Innate Immune Genes Evaluated for their Contribution in Pneumococcal Meningitis Susceptibility and Outcome.

  28470452   CCDC22 gene polymorphism is associated with advanced stages of endometriosis in a sample of Brazilian women.

  28785144   Genetic association and epistatic interaction of the interleukin-10 signaling pathway in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease.

  30594267   Association of a PD-L2 Gene Polymorphism with Chronic Lymphatic Filariasis in a South Indian Cohort.

  31085105   Genetic Variants Associated with Cancer Pain and Response to Opioid Analgesics: Implications for Precision Pain Management.

  31129315   Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Genetic Risk of Developing Chronic Postsurgical Pain.

  31166487   Polymorphism in the interleukin-10 gene is associated with overactive bladder phenotype associated with HTLV-1 infection.

  31396258   Host Genetics of Cytomegalovirus Pathogenesis.

  32127761   Two novel SNPs in genes involved in immune response and their association with mandibular residual ridge resorption.

  32349793   Mannose-binding lectin 2 gene polymorphisms and their association with tuberculosis in a Chinese population.

  32454789   Associations between Interleukin Gene Polymorphisms and Risks of Developing Extremity Posttraumatic Osteomyelitis in Chinese Han Population.

  32733459   Polymorphisms in Genes Affecting Interferon-γ Production and Th1 T Cell Differentiation Are Associated With Progression to Chagas Disease Cardiomyopathy.

  33400919   Association between interleukin-10 polymorphisms and CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) T cells in asthmatic children.

  33861738   No association of genetic variants in TLR4, TNF-α, IL10, IFN-γ, and IL37 in cytomegalovirus-positive renal allograft recipients with active CMV infection-Subanalysis of the prospective randomised VIPP study.

